Jews go in for circumcising babies. It all sounds rather silly,
rather pointless. Jews have their strange rituals. They are explained by
Shahak, an intelligent Jew. Professor Shahak
taught chemistry in Israel. He understands the whole thing. In
Jewish History
he tells us that:-
From the ethical point of view, classical Judaism represents a process of
degeneration, which is still going on; and this degeneration into a tribal
collection of empty rituals and magic superstitions has very important social
and political consequences. For it must be remembered that it is precisely the
superstitions of classical Judaism which have the greatest hold on the Jewish
Professor Shahak is a problem for
Zionist crazies.
He had a background they could not fault but he told the truth.
But back to cock sucking. It might have seemed like a good way of cleaning a wound to illiterate savages before germ theory came along. Now semi-literate savages keep on doing it, knowing full well that it can cause disease, madness and death.
Someone tried to stop it in California by making it illegal. He failed because Jews are very influential. It was not just a few crazies. It was the leadership working together using bribery, threats, money promises. See Foreskin Man for the full story on that.
Penis Mutilation Tools -
Cock Sucking Must Be Banned Immediately Part One - [ 1 June 2012 ]
Why Metzitzah B’Peh Must Be Banned Immediately
The Maharam Schick was a leading student of the Hatam Sofer, the arch-traditionalist who fought the nascent Reform Movement. The Maharam Schick continued the Hatam Sofer's work and his arch traditionalism. He was a strong advocate of keeping metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the direct oral to genital suction done by the mohel to the baby's open circumcision wound, despite the prevailing medical opinion of his day that found it to be unsanitary and unseemly..........This was written in the first half of the 19th century when science and medicine was far, far less advanced than they are now, and before the syphilis and tuberculosis outbreaks that sickened many people – including babies who got sick from MBP-transmission and who died. But the Maharam Schick's main point is clear: even if there is a tiny risk to life, we act to eliminate that risk.
It is unhygienic. Do we need to know more? Not really. Of course if Jews kill their own it will not cause many tears among their victims.
Cock sucker in action.
Perpetrator and victim.
Victim surrounded by perps.
Cock Sucking Must Be Banned Immediately Part Two - [ 2 June 2012 ]
Why Metzitzah B’Peh Must Be Banned ImmediatelyThe direct oral to genital suction done by the mohel to the baby's open circumcision wound is dangerous and must be banned immediately. Why Metzitzah B’Peh Must Be Banned Immediately
Sharia Rosenberg • FailedMessiah.comThe Maharam Schick was a leading student of the Hatam Sofer, the arch-traditionalist who fought the nascent Reform Movement. The Maharam Schick continued the Hatam Sofer's work and his arch traditionalism. He was a strong advocate of keeping metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the direct oral to genital suction done by the mohel to the baby's open circumcision wound, despite the prevailing medical opinion of his day that found it to be unsanitary and unseemly.
In a teshuva (Orach Hayyim 152)* he made several points:
1. We have no evidence of disease transmitted by MBP. No mohel he knew reported any post-circumcision diseases related to MBP.
2. Doctors rely on probabilities which are really estimates.
3. Halakha relies on truth given to us by God through Moses his prophet.
4. There is a halakhic principle: Whenever a life is at risk, we do not rely on probabilities [meaning that, for example, even if it is more likely that breaking Shabbat law to drive a person to an emergency room is unnecessary and it is safe to wait until Shabbat ends to get him treatment, we still break Shabbat laws and drive him to the emergency room immediately, and this is true even if the possibility he will die if we don't drive him now is very small].
5. MBP protects the health of the baby. That's what God told us through Moses. Therefore we must keep doing it.
6. Even if doctors were correct that gauze or a sterile tube worked as well as MBP, we could not change because, in the end, what they say is only probability, and whenever a life is at risk, we do not rely on probabilities.
In a different teshuva (which has no direct citation for some reason) he writes:
How outrageous it is for those self-proclaimed wise men [leaders of the Jewish community in that place] to dare to abolish the requirement of the Talmud and the halakhic rulings of all the codifiers because of theories spouted by some contemporary doctors.…We maintain in halakha that when there is even the slightest risk to life, we ignore what happens most of the time [and err on the side of protecting life]. If the doctors were to claim that not even one in millions would be endangered by lack of metzitzah…the statement would be meaningless because they have no way of knowing [what will happen to a particular baby beforehand, or if a dead baby died from MBP, meaning their best work is really merely guessing]. Our sages, however, were concerned for even a minuscule risk; if even one in millions of babies were at risk, it would be permissible to desecrate Shabbos for him [meaning if the possible risk to life arose on Shabbat, we would intentionally desecrate Shabbat law to bring him to a doctor or by heating water for him, etc.]. Thus we are obligated to suction the blood away, for in a case of even remotely possible danger to life, we ignore what happens most of the time [i.e., that lack of MBP does not hurt the child the vast majority of the time]. Moreover, doctors can only base themselves on past experience, on investigation, and on experimentation, which are also forms of experience. None of these methods is absolute, all imply the possibility of exceptions.…
This was written in the first half of the 19th century when science and medicine was far, far less advanced than they are now, and before the syphilis and tuberculosis outbreaks that sickened many people – including babies who got sick from MBP-transmission and who died.
But the Maharam Schick's main point is clear: even if there is a tiny risk to life, we act to eliminate that risk.
We now can show that MBP transmits disease. We can see and test for the microbes that cause it and we can trace disease transmission in a much more precise and accurate way than the Maharam Schick could ever have imagined.
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) infections at the MBP site have killed babies and left at least one child brain damaged. (This is far more certain than what many haredi rabbis claim.)
Every infant who gets HSV-1 will have it for life and will in all likelihood transmit it to many others. Some of those others will become very ill. Some will even die. And all of them and everyone they give HSV-1 to will carry HSV-1 for the rest of their lives. Other diseases, including but not limited to STDs, can also be transmitted through MBP, as well.
Even according to the arch traditionalist the Maharam Schick, "whenever a life is at risk, we do not rely on probabilities" – we must do what is necessary to save that life.
And that means we must ban MBP immediately.
But what if MBP is more than a protective procedure done to protect the baby's health? What if it is an actual part of the mitzvah of circumcision? Would we still stop doing it now that we know it is dangerous? Would the Maharam Schick's "one [death] in millions" be enough to stop MBP? Would his "whenever a life is at risk, we do not rely on probabilities" still apply? And why would anyone think MBP is an integral part of the circumcision ritual that if missing would invalidate it?
I'll deal with those questions in part two of this article, which I hope to post later today.
* The translation above is taken from Sanctity & Science – Insights Into the Practice of Milah and Metzitzah, by Y. B. Goldberger, a Bobover hasidic mohel, and published by Feldheim. The book is a tract in defense of MBP. Any material in square brackets [ ] is mine. The numbered points above are based on a translation in that book, as well.
Do they care about their own babies? It seems not. They are not just cock sucking crazies; they are Zionist cock sucking crazies.
Why Cock Sucking Should Be Banned, Part 3 - [ 3 June 2012 ]
"…Even if it was explicit in the Talmud [and it is not] that the suction is meant to be oral, nevertheless since this is not an integral part of the circumcision, but only adjoined because of a health measure, so if one circumcised and did not suction the blood, he has already performed the commandment, and the baby is permitted to eat terumah, and the father may make a Passover sacrifice.…"On The Main Line has translated the full exchange between the Hatam Sofer and his student, Rabbi Elazar Halevi Segal Horowitz, Chief Rabbi of Vienna, about metziztah b'peh (MBP), the direct oral to genital sucking done to the baby's open circumcision wound by the mohel. Horowitz asked Sofer if MBP should be stopped in light of the new medical opposition to it caused by infant deaths:
…Teach me, Rabbi, what is the rule regarding a question which my local friend Dr. Wertheim asked of me. According to the law of our religion is a mohel required to make that suction which is performed after the circumcision specifically with his mouth? Or perhaps it is proper to peform the suction through some other means, such as to soak a sponge in wine or water and squeeze the place of the wound with it a number of times, and through this achieve the healing effect for the infant no differently than through oral suctioning? The circumstances behind this question is that some months ago in our city many children who were circumcized by a certain expert mohel developed festering sores all over the genitals and from there it spread to the entire body. Many infants died because of this, and were unresponsive to any medical attention. Some of them lived, but were in great pain. The doctors judged that this condition was caused by the mohel's orally suctioning the wound (ha-metzitzah she-be-feh). The mohel was examined and proved to have a clean bill of health, and they could not diagnose anything like this illness in him. However, we need to know what to do in a situation like this in general.…
Horowitz goes on to make several points and conclude that he believes MBP should be banned.
Here is the Hatam Sofer's response in full (you can read all of Horowitz's reasoning over at On The Main Line):
Sheviti, etc. Pressburg, Monday, 20 Shevat 5597 (1837) Greetings and long life to my student and friend Rabbi Elazar Halevi Segal Horowitz, Chief Rabbi of Vienna.
Your nice letter reached me, and it is correct what you wrote, that we do not find the metzitzah (suction) is specifically with the mouth, save for the position of the Kabbalists who say that [the process] enacts a neutralization of strict judgment through the lips and the mouth. We are not engaged in mysteries when there is some concern for physical danger. Now, the roots mitz and matzat are the same, c.f., Proverbs 30[:31] mitz apayim and Judges 6:38 "and wrung dew out of the fleece." In all these places Rashi explains them in terms of squeezing, compressing, and suctioning something with force. Radak and Ibn Ezra similarly explain them. If so, we only need to draw the blood from the 'far places' though whichever method we are able, and we can rely on experts who assure us that some method accomplishes it. I further say that even if it was explicit in the Talmud that the suction is meant to be oral, nevertheless since this is not an integral part of the circumcision, but only adjoined because of a health measure, so if one circumcised and did not suction the blood, he has already performed the commandment, and the baby is permitted to eat terumah, and the father may make a Passover sacrifice. However he is in physical danger so long as the blood was not suctioned from the far places. In Chapter Rabbi Eliezer De-mila we find that Rav Pappa understood that suction is similar to the dressing and cumin, which are health measures. Now, we do not presently use the [particular] dressing [specified in the Talmud] and cumin, nor the particular type of dressing mentioned in the Talmud by Abbaye and Rava. Therefore we know that since these are for healing, we are not particular about which remedy we use in its place, and the same thing applies to suction - even if oral suction had been mentioned in the Mishnah, we would be able to change it to another method which accomplishes the same thing, so long as we heed qualifies physicians who will attest that in truth a sponge accomplishes the same thing as oral suction. More than this we needn't be concerned with, in my opinion. God should heal you and make you feel good!
Moshe ha-kattan Sofer mi-Frankfurt di-Main
"…Even if it was explicit in the Talmud [and it is not] that the suction is meant to be oral, nevertheless since this is not an integral part of the circumcision, but only adjoined because of a health measure, so if one circumcised and did not suction the blood, he has already performed the commandment, and the baby is permitted to eat terumah, and the father may make a Passover sacrifice.…"
Continue reading "Why Metzitzah B'Peh Should Be Banned, Part 3" »
Jews explain their funny little ways.
Cock Sucker Cuts Off A Third Of Baby's Penis - [ 4 June 2012 ]
Mohel Cuts Off 1/3 Of Baby's Penis In Horrible Brit Milah Accident
A circumcision in Northern Israel was botched by a mohel who cut off 1/3 of the baby's penis by mistake.The Algemeiner reports:
A circumcision in Northern Israel went horribly wrong recently, when the mohel responsible for the procedure accidentally cut off a third of the infant’s penis, Israeli media reported on Wednesday.
The infant was rushed to a hospital in Haifa, Israel where an emergency operation was performed because his life was in danger. The circumcision procedure, traditionally done 8 days after birth, may have caused permanent damage to the child, although senior urologists at the hospital said it will be a number of days until anything can be determined.…
Would you let them near yours with a blunt scalpel?
Cock Sucker Kills Again Maybe - [ 5 June 2012 ]
Report: DA Investigating Mohel In Baby Death Probe
Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer remains prohibited by a 2007 court order from performing the oral-suction ritual and was sent a letter this morning stating that, a New York state Department of Health spokesman said. Fischer uses his mouth to suction blood from the wound after he removes the foreskin. The centuries-old ritual, called metzitzah b’peh, is used predominantly by hasidic and ultra-Orthodox Jews.Rockland mohel part of probe into Brooklyn baby's death
Steve Lieberman • Journal News
A Monsey rabbi once linked to the herpes-related death of a baby through oral-suction circumcisions is part of an investigation by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office into a newborn baby’s death from the virus, authorities said today.
Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer remains prohibited by a 2007 court order from performing the oral-suction ritual and was sent a letter this morning stating that, a New York state Department of Health spokesman said.
“He was sent a letter reminding him the summary order is still in effect and that he cannot perform this ritual,” agency spokesman Michael Moran said.
Fischer uses his mouth to suction blood from the wound after he removes the foreskin. The centuries-old ritual, called metzitzah b’peh, is used predominantly by Hasidic and ultra-Orthodox Jews.
The issue became public after the death of one of three babies who had contracted the herpes simplex one virus in late 2004 following the oral-suction circumcisions by Fischer.
In late September, a 2-week-old boy died, leading to the recent investigation into the circumstances of the newborn’s death, according to Jerry Schmetterer, a spokesman for Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes.
The city medical examiner listed the baby’s cause of death as disseminated herpes simplex virus type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction.
Fischer is part of the overall investigation, given his past history, the spokesman said.
Rockland Health Department Commissioner Dr. Joan Facelle said today that there have been no reported herpes cases related to the circumcision method in Rockland.
A newspaper, The Jewish Week, recently reported that Fischer still was performing the controversial circumcisions.
The newspaper reported on taped conversations in which Fischer is heard scheduling a circumcision with a caller who asks him to perform metzitzah b’peh. On the recording, “Rabbi Fischer asks the caller whether the bris will take place ‘in Monsey or the city’, noting that he ‘can only do it in Rockland County’,” according to the newspaper.
There was never definitive medical proof that Fischer passed on herpes to the three children he performed the oral-suction method on back in 2004 and 2005, according to his supporters and his lawyer at the time.
The revelations of three newborns contracting herpes led New York City Health Department officials to put together medical protocols for the oral-suction method with medical personnel and ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis. The state Health Department also got involved with prohibitions and regulations.
Facelle said there was no specific county prohibition against Fischer. She said the county’s temporary court order was lifted after an agreement was reached between New York City and ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis establishing protocols and safe medical conditions for the ritual.
Other Orthodox Jewish rabbis and many physicians dismissed the need for a mohel’s lips to come into contact with the baby during a circumcision. They have said a mohel can use a tube to suck the blood.
Monsey Rabbi Moses Tendler, a professor of ethical medical practices and Talmudic law at Yeshiva University, has said the Talmud requires that blood be sucked from the wound during circumcision but not that it be done by mouth. He is one of the authorities who have recommended a tube be used.
Rabbi Avi Shafran, director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America, said this morning that the issue isn’t the mohel or the method, but people’s rights to practice their religious beliefs in a safe manner.
He said the metzitzah b’peh method has been safe for thousands of years and more people die from skiing accidents than the circumcision method.
“Why should a religious conviction be judged on a different level,” Shafran said, adding there was no definitive evidence that Fischer passed herpes onto the children.
The New York City Department of Health didn’t return a telephone call for comment this morning, referring questions about the baby’s death to a state agency in an email.There are a number of factual errors in this report. In reality:
1. The 2006 circumcision protocols were enacted by NY State, not NYC, and were written in conjunction with Agudath Israel of America, Satmar, and other haredi groups.
2. Those protocols were recinded in 2007 after Governor Pataki and his corrupt Commissioner of Health left office.
3. Fischer is being investigated, but not necessarily in direct connection to the September MBP baby death. Fischer has a long history of refusing to cooperate with various departments of health.
In addition to these corrections, it appears that Rockland Health Department Commissioner Dr. Joan Facelle may have illegally allowed Fischer to continue doing MBP. If she did, she can be criminally prosecuted by the state, and would be personally liable civilly if any babies were infected by Fischer – facts that can be determined when the state or federal government use the power of the courts to seize Rockland County records, hospital records, and make related arrests. Will this be done? Right now I'd say the possibility it will happen is greater than the possibility that it won't.
As for Rabbi Avi Shafran's statement, his organization has the blood of at least two dead babies on its hands and what could easily be dozens of brain damaged and sickened infants.
Just like Agudah fought mandatory background checks for religious school employees on the grounds of "religious freedom," and fought against the Child Victims Act and other attempts to reduce pedophilia, all of which resulted in dozens of child molestations, Agudah is fighting proper state action here.
People like Shafran and the Agudah rabbinic leaders he shills for would have been run out of office long ago if the haredi world had uncensored in-house media and if it was a democracy.
That haredim are not rioting in the streets demanding the heads of the cabal of men who endanger their children – Shafran, Rabbi David Zwiebel and the Moetzet Gedolei haTorah, Satmar leadership, etc. – is simply further proof that it is not just ancient Canannites who willingly sacrifice their children to the flames of Molech.
A Jew, past or present says they are fools or rogues. I am not arguing.
Cock Sucker 'Clarifies' Remarks On Sucking Baby's Penis During Circumcision Ritual - [ 6 June 2012 ]
Haredi "Gadol" "Clarifies" Remarks On Sucking Baby's Penis During Circumcision Ritual "To my knowledge, it has not been proven that the practice [of the mohel sucking the bleeding circumcision wound that has killed at least 2 babies and sickened others – Failed Messiah] leads to contraction of illness. The halacha is extremely sensitive to health concerns and it is wrong to insinuate that Jews who are very particular in the care of their children would be engaging in a practice for thousands of years which is inherently dangerous."
Clarification From HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Regarding Metzitzah B’Peh
Yeshiva World
I wish to clarify remarks that were attributed to me on the subject of Metzitzah B’Peh.
The practice is indeed time honored and is followed by the majority of the Orthodox Jewish community today around the world, as it has been for thousands of years.
To my knowledge, it has not been proven that the practice leads to contraction of illness. The halacha is extremely sensitive to health concerns and it is wrong to insinuate that Jews who are very particular in the care of their children would be engaging in a practice for thousands of years which is inherently dangerous.................
Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky.
Here is an explanation of the sophistry Rabbi Kamentsky is using and the shameful reasons why he's doing it:Why Metzitzah B'Peh Must Be Banned Immediately, Part 1. -
Why Metzitzah B'Peh Must Be Banned Immediately, Part 2. -
Mr Rosenberg does not quite say that Kamenetsky is a cunning liar but he points that way. Mr Rosenberg trained to be a rabbi with this lot then walked when he found out what they were like.
Cock Sucking Jews Change Their Techniques - [ 7 June 2012 ]
Bris Milah Can Never Change! – Except It Has, Several TimesOne of the haredi battle cries to protect their "right" to suck babies' open, bleeding circumcision wounds is that bris milah, circumcision, can never change. The "reformers" and the government are attacking haredi Judaism, and "we" must "stand firm" against the changes. The problem is, circumcision has changed several times over the centuries, and haredim are "standing firm" on what amounts to quicksand. Here's when and how brit milah changed….. But to claim that brit milah is the same now as it was 3500 or 2500 years ago, as some haredi spokespeople are wont to do, is simply false. Source for the addition of Kisei Shel Eliyahu, Sandek, Kefatter and Kefatterin: Ivan G. Marcus,
Rituals of Childhood: Jewish Acculturation in Medieval Europe, Yale University Press, 1996, p.105-107 - . (Also not that the iconic Jewish ritual marking the passage of a boy from childhood to adulthood, the Bar Mitzvah, is a medieval addition to Judaism patterned after Christian innovations.) Source for the Second Century BCE addition of periah and the total excision of the foreskin: David L. Gollaher, Circumcision: A History of the World's Most Controversial Surgery, Basic Books, 2000, p. 17.
Mr Rosenberg, himself a Jew seems unhappy about the idea that Jews lie in their teeth. It is the way they are.
Cock sucker at his filthy perversion.
Hasidic Rabbi Who Raped His Own Daughter Gets 30 Years - Weingarten [ 8 June 2012 ] collusion by other rabbis involved
Jew Compares Israel School Officials To Doctor Mengele - [ 9 June 2012 ]
Jewish Law and the Tragedy of Sexual Abuse of Children: The Dilemma within the Orthodox Jewish Community [ 10 June 2012 ]
A dilemma? Why? Evil is evil. QED. Do something about, not just ignore it or cover it up.
Patterns Of Sexual Abuse Clarified - - [11 June 2012 ]
Brooklyn DA Says Jews Bully Victims Of Paedophiles - [ 12 June 2012 ]
Jews In Melbourne Are Liars & Paedophiles - [ 13 June 2012 ]
Exclusive: Dueling Jewish Submissions To Parliamentary Committee Investigating Child Sex Abuse Coverups In Religious Organizations
Melbourne Jewry's roof body, the JCCV, has submitted a self-serving report to a Victorian Parliamentary committee regarding the steps it claims to have taken to combat child sexual abuse and to properly handle allegations of these crimes when they do occur. But a submission made by Jewish alleged victims of these crimes at Chabad's Yeshivah Centre shows the depth of the child sexual abuse problem in that segment of the Jewish community – including reporting coverups of child rape and sexual abuse carried out by Chabad's leaders. It also helps to expose the JCCV's lack of action and its unethical handling of its most senior staff member, now just resigned, who is sleeping with a convicted pedophile. Here are both reports.Note that many of JCCV's activities detailed in their submission do not appear to have gone much further than issuing the press releases. Also note that from what I've heard over the years from many of the contacts I have in Melbourne, including alleged victims in the Chabad child sex abuse scandal and people close to victims in the Adass scandal from a few years ago, the JCCV did not really follow through on its promises to help victims through its constituent organizations.............
The sample references below provide some information and insights into the intricacies of the ultra-Orthodox community in the context of child sexual abuse:
Clean up their act? Not a chance. Playing with little boys' arse holes is too much fun for them.
Cock Sucking Jews Are Fools Says Infectious Disease Society Of America [ 14 June 2012 ]
Infectious Disease Society Of America Supports Health Department, Opposes Rabbis
"IDSA strongly supports the use of scientific evidence to inform public health policy.…Because neonatal immune systems are underdeveloped, HSV infection in newborns is more likely to result in death or permanent disability. Indeed, of the eleven cases investigated by DOHMH between 2004 and 2011, two of the infants died and at least two others suffered brain damage.Given the severity of these consequences, the risks associated with MBP as well as the importance of practicing circumcisions and related procedures in a sterile environment should be clearly communicated to parents or legal guardians in advance of the procedure. Accordingly, IDSA supports the informed consent requirement currently under consideration and urges the Board of Health to approve it."I'm told the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association has also weighed in on the side of the Health Department – meaning that all experts are on the side of the Health Department. The only one who isn't, Dr. Daniel Berman, is not only not a top tier expert, he is widely reviled by his medical colleagues. He's also haredi and is in the pocket of haredi rabbis.
All this should mean that haredi rabbis approve the informed consent and comply with the Health Department.
But of course, they won't.
Third world savages, self righteous fools to boot.
Cock Sucking - Its History Of Disease & Death -ʼpeh-disease-transmission-456.html [ 15 June 2012 ]
Circumcision: The History of Metzitzah BʼPeh Disease TransmissionMore than 200 years of disease and death transmitted through metzitzah b'peh, the direct mouth-to-genital suction done by mohels to the bleeding just-circumcised-penises of baby boys.
Download History of Metzitzah B'Peh Disease Transmission.pdf [ ]
Related Post: Circumcision: A Graphic History Of Metzitzah B'Peh [ ]
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The History Of Metzitzah B'Peh [ ]
Why Metzitzah B'Peh Should Be Banned, Part 3Haredi Circumcision Ritual Metzitzah B' Peh Kills Boy [ ]
This is what homosexuals do to each other for fun, isn't it?
Mezizah be-Peh - Therapeutic Touch or Hippocratic Vestige? -
Neonatal genital herpes simplex virus type 1 infection after Jewish ritual circumcision - modern medicine and religious tradition [ 11 infected, 10 in hospital, 2 dead
City Urges Halt To Ritual Practice
Four Jews Charged With Perverting The Course Of Justice In Paedophile Case - [ 16 June 2012 ]
A $500 thousand bung means they were serious.
Child Sex-Abuse Scandal in Australia's Jewish Community Spills Into U.S. - [ 17 June 2012 ]
Rabbi Orders Victims To Get Permission Before Reporting Paedophile Jews To Police - [ 18 June 2012 ]
Artscroll's favorite maggid urges Jews to ask their rabbi before calling police to report probable child sexual abuse.
On Zev Brenner's Talkline radio show tonight, Rabbi Paysach Krohn spoke out against child sex abuse, but when asked about reporting child sex abuse to police, Krohn said that unless you are 100% sure the abuse took place (which essentially means you have to witness it happening), you should ask a rabbi for permission to call police. Krohn is an Artscroll author and a Agudath Israel of America member.He is also a brother-in-law of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, who is an accused child sex abuser.
Krohn is also on the board of Ruchie Frier's Baderech organization that tries to keep "at risk" haredi youth from becoming secular. Frier has said that many of her "at risk" kids were sexually abused.
Here's the audio. Rabbi Paysach Krohn 2012-03-11_talkline_31112 -
Tell your friendly local rabbi so that he can destroy the evidence, help the perpetrator to escape, threaten witnesses & Pervert the course of justice - They call it Mesirah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Cock Sucking Jews Claim They Do Not Kill Babies - [ 19 June 2012 ]
A renewed focus on a controversial circumcision technique, which recently has been implicated in one infant’s death and five non-fatal cases of neonatal herpes since 2007, has exposed a rift in the haredi community over the ritual practice.In a terse phone interview, Rabbi David Niederman, executive director and president of the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, told The Jewish Week that the September death of an infant “had nothing to do with metzitzah b’peh,” or direct oral suction, despite the medical examiner’s ruling that the cause of death was “disseminated herpes simplex type 1, complicating ritual circumcision with oral suction.”........... And in response to a question about whether he believed that there has ever been a death or infection caused by the practice, he replied, “No, there has not.” He added, “We will continue to make metzitzah b’peh.” [ Cock sucking ]
Rabbi Niederman’s comments stand in stark contrast to statements made by Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, the founder and dean of the Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia and a senior member of Agudath Israel’s Council of Torah Sages, the prestigious haredi rabbinical policy-making body. In a phone conversation with The Jewish Week, Rabbi Kamenetsky noted that in his community “as far as I know, they do metzitzah with a tube [a sterile pipette that prevents the mouth from directly touching the wound].”
When asked about rabbis who believe that using a tube is not valid under Jewish law, Rabbi Kamenetsky replied, “Nobody holds like that.” Told of those who make this claim, the apparently incredulous rabbi said only, “I don’t think there’s a response to them.”
The rabbi also expressed disbelief about those who would insist on the practice despite its links to the transmission of disease to infants.
“Chas v’shalom [God forbid], if [children are] getting sick [from oral suction], [you] wouldn’t do it,” under Jewish law, he said.
For its part, the Agudah, the haredi umbrella group, has never explicitly denied the risk of herpes transmission through metzitzah b’peh. But its spokesman, Rabbi Avi Shafran, recently told The Jewish Week that “to scientifically assess the risk … one would have to have more [information] than a number like the 20 [cases The Jewish Week counted in the literature],” namely the total number of metzitzah b'peh procedures done over the same time period.
Rabbi Kamenetsky also stated that because it is permissible to do the suctioning with a tube, which poses “no risk at all” to the infant, this should be the practice.
Meanwhile, a paper published in the Winter 2012 issue of the haredi periodical Dialogue — entitled “Is Metzitzah bePeh Dangerous?” — has apparently become a reference for those seeking to defend the practice.
The paper, by Dr. Daniel S. Berman, an infectious disease doctor, seeks to challenge those who argue that metzitzah b’peh carries serious health risks and falls within a tradition of writings that defend against potential government interference for health reasons.
In the paper, Berman, who has a letter in this week’s Jewish Week, attempts to cast doubt on public health officials’ findings linking the herpes simplex virus to a particular mohel — presumably Yitzchok Fischer, who has been tied to at least four neonatal herpes infections, including one death. Berman argues that absent DNA “fingerprinting” that matches the baby’s virus to that of the mohel involved, one cannot claim that metzitzah b’peh was responsible for the baby’s infection.
Dr. Jonathan Zenilman, former president of the American STD Association and professor of medicine and chief of the Infectious Diseases Division at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, rejects that argument. In insisting that DNA fingerprinting is the only way to conclusively demonstrate a link between MbP and a case of neonatal herpes infection, Zenilman says, Berman denies “the validity of standard epidemiological methods which are widely accepted by pretty much everyone else.”
In fact, while blood tests can determine if someone is infected with — and thus capable of transmitting — the herpes virus, it is not always possible to obtain the virus’ DNA, which is most likely to be obtained from fresh sores that have not yet scabbed over. “The lack of genetic sequencing to conclusively demonstrate that these are the exact same strains of herpes is not necessary, or even relevant, from a public health standpoint,” Zenilman emphasized.
Even when a mohel does not cooperate with testing — which has apparently happened in several reported cases — causal inferences can be made. “There is a whole paradigm of causal inference in epidemiology,” noted Zenilman, “which includes things like temporal association and biological plausibility,” a term that refers to a cause-and-effect relationship that is consistent with existing biological and medical knowledge.
Indeed, Berman himself seems to acknowledge that Fischer failed to cooperate with an investigation by the New York City department of health, refusing to undergo DNA testing because the city “offered the testing in a way that was extremely unfavorable to the Mohel with regard to his future.”
(Both the city and state departments of health have declined to comment on the investigation into Fischer, who was ordered to stop doing MbP in New York state in 2007; it appears, based on taped conversations obtained by The Jewish Week, he may have defied the order.)
Berman ultimately concludes, based on his summary of reported cases, that there is a “small risk” of herpes transmission through MbP.
However, experts like Zenilman caution that there is likely substantial underreporting of these infections because, for example, recognized cases are not always reported and other cases may not be recognized. “It’s the tip of the iceberg,” Zenilman believes, noting that once a child is infected with herpes, if he survives, he has the virus “for life.”
Without addressing the issue of underreporting, Berman asserts that it is reasonable to assume that any “small risk” of herpes transmission can be eliminated by the mohel rinsing his mouth with Peridex or Listerine, a claim Zenilman calls “nonsense.”
In the second half of the paper, Berman criticizes the New York City health department for declaring that there is “a definite risk of infection” from MbP, and seems to suggest that Jews in particular are being targeted because he “cannot find any recommendations from the Department of Health to members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith telling them of the dangers of refusing blood transfusions, which is part of their faith.”
However, there have been numerous cases in which the courts have ruled that the interests of the child and the interests of the state outweigh the parents’ rights to refuse medical treatment, and in some states parents who have declined to seek medical care for their children outside of their own religious treatment have been charged with involuntary manslaughter and endangering the welfare of a child.
In fact, according to Alex Luchenitser, associate legal director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, though it has not attempted to do so, the government does have the power to ban metzitzah p’beh in the interest of protecting the public health.
“A practice that can cause infants to die or be infected with a sexually transmitted disease is certainly a practice that the government can constitutionally ban, even if the practice is a religious ritual of some sects,” Luchenitser told The Jewish Week.
One cock sucker claims they do not kill babies. Another cock sucker claims they use hygiene. So one is lying or, more likely both. See also
Paedophile Pervert Documentary Annoys Jews - [ 20 June 2012 ]
The producer of “Home Alone” and ”Mystic Pizza” is threatening [ with what? ] the Los Angeles Jewish film festival after the festival’s director, Hilary Helstein, complained that Rosenfelt's documentary about child sex abuse in the Baltimore Orthodox and haredi community, "Standing Silent,” amounts to a “witch hunt.”
The film features interviews with victims of sexual abuse by Baltimore-area Orthodox and haredi rabbis and was the subject of a feature article last week in the Washington Post. It is supposed to be screened at several U.S. Jewish film festivals this year.
But in September, Helstein emailed Jewish film festival directors, telling them that, while the film was well made, “Our committee felt with a community that reveres it’s [sic] rabbis this was not something they wanted to show.”
Jews suppress the truth. Jews pervert the course of justice. What's new? Nothing, it is business as usual.
CNN Reports On Rapist Rabbis, Paedophile Perverts & A Bent D.A. - [ 21 June 2012 ]
Haredi child sexual abuse and the bizarre behavior of Brooklyn's D.A. Charles Hynes are the topic of a CNN report aired last night on Anderson Cooper 360. The segment features Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg, Pearl Engleman and Luzer Twersky.
Hynes has been letting Jews meddle in his work. They are interested in getting away with it. Their children come second.
The Ongoing Haredi Cover Up Of Child Sex Abuse In Brooklyn Appears To Be Aided By D.A. - [ 22 June 2012 ]
Agudath Israel of America's Rabbi Zwiebel is explicit about his expectations of Hynes. "If the DA doesn't understand [ that there is a Jewish law ] there will be far less cooperation with the criminal justice system – because of the culture and the general sense in the community, that has prevailed for thousands of years, that typically there are things which, if at all possible, should be handled internally within the community.… I think [Hynes] is working within a reality. And he's wise to work within that reality." In Brooklyn, there appears to be a pattern of weak prosecutions, out of step with national trends. The national average sentence for child molesters is seven years with three of those served and probationary sentences are unusual. All sex crimes against children – both penetration and fondling – are treated with great seriousness, and there is little difference in sentencing between them – unless you are haredi and live in Charles Hynes' Brooklyn.
Judicial corruption is just like political corruption. It means getting at the levers of power or the men who have them.
Is Charles Hynes The Enforcer or The Terminator? The case is terminated, the perpetrator walks. Problem solved? Perhaps that is not the way to go.
Cock Sucking Fools Beware [ 23 June 2012 ]
Last week, the New York City Board of Health voted unanimously to require written parental consent for a circumcision practice known as “direct oral suction” that segments of the Orthodox Jewish world believe is required under Jewish law. Prominent Orthodox Jewish organizations are up in arms, arguing that this is the first step toward greater government regulation of religious practices—a dangerous slippery slope that they fear could end in a total ban on circumcision. Some defenders of the practice, known as mezizah b’peh, say they will openly defy the new requirement to provide parents with information about the practice’s health risks.The ultra-Orthodox umbrella group Agudath Israel of America, known simply as the Agudah, has even gone so far as to shop for pro bono counsel to bring a lawsuit challenging the law. Ironically, by staking this position Adugah has positioned itself on the same side of the informed-consent issue as Planned Parenthood, which has sued a number of states challenging laws that require doctors to obtain written consent about the increased risk of suicide for women who have abortions.
AAs an Orthodox Jew and a constitutional litigator with a history of successful suits against the city, I feel compelled to explain why the lawsuit is doomed to fail. What’s more, history shows that it will probably backfire. The more groups like Agudah oppose this law, the greater the likelihood for more government regulation of religious rituals in the future.
According to an email from Agudah’s general counsel, the group believes that written parental consent is unconstitutional on the grounds that it interferes with “both freedom of religion and freedom of speech.” The freedom of religion claim can be disposed of easily: The regulation does not, in any way, limit religious practice. A circumcision provider—and to be clear, the regulation applies across the board to anyone performing a circumcision, religious or secular, doctor or mohel—can continue to perform direct oral suction as he did the day before the regulation was passed.
The law only requires that, prior to the circumcision, the parent or legal guardian must give written informed consent “in a form approved or provided by the Department,” which must include notice that “direct oral suction exposes the infant to the risk of transmission of herpes simplex virus infection and other infectious diseases.” The issue, such as it is, is the form—and here’s why:
The First Amendment generally forbids “compelled speech”—that is, laws that require a person to speak against their will and in opposition to their sincerely held beliefs, whether religious or otherwise. In trying to prove that the consent form does this, Agudah’s case will undoubtedly focus on such seminal cases as Wooley v. Maynard, a 1977 Supreme Court case invalidating a law requiring residents of New Hampshire to display the state motto, “Live Free or Die,” on license plates because residents who were Jehovah’s Witnesses did not agree with that as a life philosophy. The group will also probably cite West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, a 1943 Supreme Court case that ruled that students who were Jehovah’s Witnesses could not be compelled to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance in contravention of their religious beliefs.
Maynard and Barnette are important First Amendment cases. But they deal with laws that force a religious person to express an opinion or philosophy that is contrary to his religious beliefs. They say nothing about providing factual information regarding potential risks to the recipient of a medical procedure. That body of case law—less well-known, but much more on point (and, I suspect, missing from Agudah’s legal research)—makes clear that the government has broad authority to force those who perform medical procedures to provide such information, on the basis of the government’s fundamental responsibility to protect public safety and health.
Two federal circuit court of appeals decisions from this past year, Planned Parenthood v. Rounds and Texas Medical Providers v. Lakey, make this point in the context of a medical procedure even more charged than circumcision: abortion. These decisions come out of a recent trend in the state courts to require doctors to provide information to pregnant women about the health risks of an abortion, and in particular compel them to disclose studies showing a higher risk of suicide in women who have abortions. Planned Parenthood has vigorously challenged these informed-consent mandates in a number of jurisdictions on First Amendment grounds on behalf of doctors who argue that the state cannot compel them to speak to patients about such risks. Sound familiar?
Employing the framework laid out by the Supreme Court in its plurality opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), both recent federal circuit court decisions uphold the challenged legislation on the grounds that if the information the state requires to be made available is “truthful and not misleading,” and it is relevant to an informed decision as to whether to have the procedure done, the state can require that it be provided—whether regarding abortion or “any [other] medical procedure.”
These are not the only such decisions. Courts have upheld informed-consent laws against “compelled speech” claims in the context of state laws requiring disclosure of HIV status prior to intercourse, rejected “compelled speech” defenses in tort where communicable genital herpes was not disclosed, and have come out in favor of the state in a number of other abortion-related cases. As the court said in the HIV case, the state has an “overriding, legitimate and compelling interest in preserving the life of its citizens,” which gives it the authority to forbid “remaining silent and knowingly exposing others to an incurable disease.”
New York’s new regulations regarding direct oral suction fall squarely within this line of cases. There is no question that the risk to an 8-day-old baby of contracting a potentially fatal herpes infection from direct oral suction is “relevant” to a parent’s decision whether to have the circumcision performed in that manner. As long as the information provided is “truthful and not misleading,” the city is in the clear.
The notice published with the proposed law from the Board of Health suggests that it is already well aware of the legal basis for the regulation. It says that between 2004 and 2011, it learned of 11 cases of “laboratory-confirmed herpes simplex virus infection in male infants following circumcisions that were likely to have been associated with direct oral suction.” Two of these infants died, at least two others suffered brain damage, and, most important, “[t]he parents of some of these infants have said that they did not know before their child’s circumcision that direct oral suction would be performed.” In addition, it says that since 2004, the Department of Health “has received multiple complaints from parents whose children may not have been infected who were also not aware that direct oral suction was going to be performed as part of their sons’ circumcisions.” The informed-consent law responds directly to these legitimate concerns. Under no fair reading of the law has the Board of Health overstepped its powers under the First Amendment.
So, what of Agudah’s argument that this law is only the first step toward full government regulation of circumcision, or even, in the fashion of the recent ruling of a German court, banning the ritual? One thing’s for sure: If the Orthodox community continues to vehemently oppose this modest consent law it will encourage and likely lead to greater regulation of circumcision in the future. This is widely understood in the context of self-regulated industries. (Think baseball and steroids.) If a group or industry agrees to moderate self-policing and 30,000-foot government oversight, the government hangs back. But if they insist on complete autonomy, creating the impression that the industry thinks it is above the law, the government inevitably steps in and imposes more stringent regulation.
The same is true of religious groups. Just look at Mormons and polygamy. President Lincoln signed into law a ban on polygamy in 1862, but he signaled that he would not enforce the law for a time in deference to Mormons’ religious beliefs, hoping that they would put an end to the practice without government interference. But some prominent Mormons refused, insisting vociferously that their religious practices trumped the law. Some even rose up in civil disobedience.
It didn’t end well for them. In the years following Lincoln’s ban, the federal government stepped in to impose its authority and control by seizing church property and imposing criminal sanctions on polygamists. The church was nearly driven into the ground by the time it abandoned the doctrine of multiple wives in 1890.
Some in the ultra-Orthodox community have threatened to take a similarly hard line with the informed-consent law. Unfortunately, it’s only the latest in a series of incidents in which the impression given by some in the community is that they think they are above secular law. It’s an attitude that fails to acknowledge and appreciate the unique-in-history openness of American society to minority religions, and especially to Jews.
Moreover, vehement opposition to this modest regulation will turn popular opinion against religious Jews by creating the impression that we put tradition over the safety of babies, and that ritual matters to us more than life. And it will reinforce the mistaken impression in wider American society that opposition to direct oral suction and opposition to circumcision are one and the same, which they are not. England has had some modest form of regulation of religious circumcisions for a very long time, with no adverse consequences. Here in America, the government regulates marriage, even between religious individuals. I’ve never heard an Orthodox Jew complain about that.
If Agudah’s lawsuit goes forward, it will very likely make bad law for those who care deeply about the rights of religious minorities and the value of religious autonomy—as did the cases that came out of Mormons’ rejection of the regulation of marriage practices. The threatened circumcision case will make clear that the government has the authority to regulate and restrict religious practices when there is a risk to health and safety, giving greater credence and legal authority for those who would go further than a mere informed-consent law and forbid certain religious practices altogether—perhaps direct oral suction, or circumcision itself.
They were warned.
Cock Sucker 'Clarifies' Remarks On Sucking Baby's Penis During Circumcision Ritual - [ 24 June 2012 ]
Haredi "Gadol" "Clarifies" Remarks On Sucking Baby's Penis During Circumcision Ritual "To my knowledge, it has not been proven that the practice [of the mohel sucking the bleeding circumcision wound that has killed at least 2 babies and sickened others – Failed Messiah] leads to contraction of illness. The halacha is extremely sensitive to health concerns and it is wrong to insinuate that Jews who are very particular in the care of their children would be engaging in a practice for thousands of years which is inherently dangerous."
Clarification From HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Regarding Metzitzah B’Peh
Yeshiva World
I wish to clarify remarks that were attributed to me on the subject of Metzitzah B’Peh.
The practice is indeed time honored and is followed by the majority of the Orthodox Jewish community today around the world, as it has been for thousands of years.
To my knowledge, it has not been proven that the practice leads to contraction of illness. The halacha is extremely sensitive to health concerns and it is wrong to insinuate that Jews who are very particular in the care of their children would be engaging in a practice for thousands of years which is inherently dangerous.................
Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky.
Here is an explanation of the sophistry Rabbi Kamentsky is using and the shameful reasons why he's doing it:Why Metzitzah B'Peh Must Be Banned Immediately, Part 1. - [ 25 June 2012 ]
Why Metzitzah B'Peh Must Be Banned Immediately, Part 2. - [ 26 June 2012 ]
Mr Rosenberg does not quite say that Kamenetsky is a cunning liar but he points that way. Mr Rosenberg trained to be a rabbi with this lot then walked when he found out what they were like.
Jew In New York Arrested On 40 Counts Of Child Sex Abuse - [ 27 June 2012 ]
Monsey Haredi Man Arrested On 40 Counts Of Child Sex Abuse Dovid Kohn, who also uses the name Avraham Perl, faces 40 counts of criminal sexual acts. The victim told police that Kohn abused her for three years with repeated sexual contact beginning when she was 12-years-old.
This den of iniquity is in New York. There are others getting away with it in Israel, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Stamford Hill, you name them.
Courage Shown By A Little Boy May Finally Land A Notorious Rapist Rabbi In Prison As A Paedophile Pervert - [ 28 June 2012 ]
Rabbi Yehuda Kolko, a haredi teacher and camp counselor with a long history of alleged child sexual abuse covering four decades, escaped a prison sentence in 2008 when Brooklyn’s ethically challenged District Attorney Charles Hynes gave Kolko what some observers say was the sweetheart plea deal of the decade.
Kolko, who allegedly fondled the genitals of two first graders while rubbing his erect penis against their clothed bodies, got 10 years probation and escaped sex offender registration because, Hynes claimed, neither of the victims’ families wanted their little boys to testify in court.
But that appears to have been a lie, as Hella Winston reminds us in The Jewish Week:.............Now Kolko is on trial again for allegedly violating a protection order by menacing one of those two victims, who is now 13-years-old. If convicted, he could spend up to one year in prison.
It seems likely that the Brooklyn D.A. would claim that he did not pervert the course of justice to help paedophile perverts and rapist rabbis. Believe what you will.
Rabbi Busted For Child Porn - [ 29 June 2012 ]
Sheriff’s detectives arrested a rabbi at a kosher food distribution company for possession of more 1000 child porn images.
Rabbi arrested, roommate wanted on child porn charges in Passaic
PASSAIC — Sheriff’s detectives arrested a rabbi at a Moonachie kosher food distribution company and are looking to arrest his roommate and coworker on child pornography charges, authorities said Friday.
Rabbi Gabriel Toledo, 50, of Passaic, was arrested Thursday at the Moonachie business on possession of child pornography in excess of 1,000 images, Sheriff Richard Berdnik said in a statement. Toledo was arrested after a search warrant was executed at his Passaic home, stemming from a four-month investigation by the sheriff’s Internet Crime Task Force.
Toledo is a rabbi from a clergy in Argentina, where he is from, and does not head a local congregation. He is in the United States on a visa, the sheriff’s office said.
His roommate, Joseph Vasquez, 22, fled from detectives, the sheriff’s office said. He is wanted as a fugitive on possession of child pornography in excess of 1,000 images and distribution of child pornography.
Vasquez, who is from Honduras, is in the United States illegally and also is wanted by immigration officials on a federal deportation warrant, according to the sheriff’s office.
Jews are big in Pornography, usually as producers. See Jew Says Porn Industry Is A Weapon Used By Jews Against Gentiles - on the point. They use it to subvert Christendom as well as make lotsa money.
Paedophile Perverts Harass Whistle Blower - [ 30 June 2012 ]
Victim’s Father Determined To Break Cycle Of Abuse In Brooklyn’s Hasidic, Orthodox Communities
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The issue of child sexual abuse cuts across all ethnic and religious lines.
But some say in the Hasidic and Orthodox Jewish communities of Brooklyn, the problem is compounded by religious taboos that make reporting abusers to police very rare. They say it is a secret and that children continue to suffer. [ They say it because it is true but the newspaper is hedging its bets - EditorMordechai Jungreis said he was victimized twice — once when his son was sexually abused by a member of the community and again when he was shunned trying to get him help. “I told my wife right away this child is getting molested,” Jungreis told CBS 2′s Chris Wragge. “The perpetrator always got support from the community.”
In the insular, tight-knit world of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, problems are taken care of internally. In all matters, including sex abuse, a rabbi is consulted.
Jungreis said he called many rabbis, but none helped, even though he said they knew about the alleged abuser.
“They knew how dangerous this guy is,” he said. “They never did anything to get him off the street.”
What made matters so difficult is that Jewish law forbids informing on another Jew.
But two rabbis told Jungreis he could get around that by bringing the boy to a therapist, who would legally have to report the abuse.
But when that happened, Jungreis was blamed.
“You get revenge, hell, torture, ostracized — you name it. What a family and victim is going through if you are reporting a Jew,” Jungreis said.
Ben Hirsch, who runs Survivors For Justice, an advocacy group for sex abuse victims in the Orthodox community, said that scenario keeps many abusers protected.
“This is a mindset among very many parents of victims they know — that if they step forward to protect one of their children that the entire family is going to suffer serious consequences,” Hirsch told Wragge.
Hirsch said rabbis shouldn’t investigate sex crimes, but rather, the police should. However, Agudath Israel, an Orthodox policy organization, said getting the rabbi’s OK makes it easier to report cases to authorities.
Hirsch said he doesn’t buy it.
“I know of many instances of cover-up. I know of many instances where rabbis are stopping people from coming forward,” he said.
In Jungreis’ case, the alleged abuser admitted that as a child he had been molested and, Jungreis said, the cycle of abuse continued with his own son.
“Not only did he victimize him, he learned him how to be a perpetrator,” Jungreis said.
Assemblyman Dov Hikind has been a leader in bringing the problem out in the open.
“People’s lives have been destroyed and we don’t want the next generation to face the same thing that our generation has faced,” Hikind said.
Worst of all, Hirsh said, is the message from community leaders to its children.
“The children who are victims and are perceived to be collateral damage. Their focus is their power base, their focus is the community at large, the greater good, in their view,” Hirsh said.
Jungreis said, despite the cost, he is determined to help break the devastating cycle of abuse.
“You have a right to have a voice, you will have a voice. There’s no such thing as we cannot have a voice,” Jungreis said.
There have been 85 arrests in the community in recent years.
Thursday night, CBS 2 will take a look at why the Brooklyn district attorney is under fire for how some of those cases have been handled.
Things get public.
Ohel's Alleged Cover Ups Of Child Sexual Abuse - [ 1 September 2012 ]
Ohel's Alleged Coverups Of Child Sexual Abuse
The first documented book chapter on Ohel's deplorable behavior is posted below for your reading 'pleasure.'
Here it is as a PDF file: Download Lesher Neustein Book Chapter Ohel -
The comments on this article are hostile. The source is alleged to be a trouble maker. In February 2011, Ohel was skewered in an exposé reported by Hella Winston of the Jewish Week - see Abuse Case Tests Ohel’s Adherence To Reporting Laws -
Abuse Case Tests Ohel’s Adherence To Reporting Laws [ 2 September 2012 ] -
Counselors, higher-ups at Brooklyn social service agency grapple with reporting of abuse to secular authorities. An inside look at an agonizing treatment process involving a mother and her young son.
>Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hella Winston
Special To The Jewish Week
As the story of child sexual abuse in the Orthodox community has unfolded over the last several years, the issue of when, and even whether, to report such allegations to law enforcement has emerged as perhaps the most important and the most complicated.One of the focal points of this debate — report to secular authorities or deal with the problem from inside the community — has become Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, a social service agency based in Brooklyn. Ohel has earned high praise in the community for the services it provides for foster children. Its work dealing with sexual abusers, however, is much more controversial, with many advocates and observers accusing the agency of functioning in a way that does more to protect the reputation of the community than the safety of its children.
So when a distraught young haredi woman entered counseling at Ohel in 2008 and soon after revealed that she “may be” sexually abusing her own young son, her case would test Ohel — and its adherence to mandatory reporting laws — and expose the agency’s problematic role in this issue perhaps as never before............
Understandably, the other women in the group were both shocked and angered by this disclosure....... The support group leaders promptly consulted with their Ohel supervisor, Hillel Sternstein, who dismissed the woman’s statement, positing that, as a result of her own traumatic past, she was likely suffering from delusions. No report was made........ Once again, despite their obligation to report the case under the law, a decision was made not to do so. Instead, those involved in the woman’s case, supervised and led by Sternstein, developed a “family safety plan,” which involved making the father responsible for monitoring the mother’s behavior around their son...........
Before making the report, however, Sternstein told the team he would run the decision by Ohel attorney and quality control officer, Adam Lancer — standard Ohel protocol, claim several people familiar with its practices. A few days later, according to Dr. Asher Lipner — a clinical psychologist who worked at Ohel for nine years — Sternstein notified the team that, based on feedback from Lancer, the team should not make a report...........
“This is a paradigmatic story of how we deal with child sex abuse in the United States, and also another example of the inadequacy of New York’s reporting laws,” said Marci Hamilton, a professor at Cardozo School of Law and a prolific writer and speaker on the issue of clergy sex abuse. “At every level, the adults protected adult interests. While the adults dithered in their own interest, this young child was left to fend for himself. It is tragic, and all too predictable.”
Jews like to blame others while concealing their evil. They pretend they are victims at the same time.
Cock Sucking Jews Unite To Oppose Ban - [ 3 September 2012 ]
Hasidic rabbis had an emergency meeting with an attorney last night in Williamsburg to discuss what is about to be a crisis over metzitzah b'peh (MBP) the direct oral-to genital sucking done by the mohel to the baby's bleeding penis just after the circumcision is completed. MBP is primarily confined to hasidic circumcisions. MBP can kill babies. (At least 2 have died from MBP-transmitted Herpes in NYC over the past 11 years alone.) More frequently it causes brain damage or otherwise sickens them. Another baby now lies hospitalized with a Herpes infection from MBP, and the rabbis realize that MBP may be about to be banned or, as some hasidim think, the government will mandate that all circumcisions with or without MBP be done in a sterile hospital setting.
Here's what MBP looks like. In this case, it's being done by a Modern Orthodox mohel in Israel, where MBP among non-haredim is much more common than it is in the US:
Crazy, obstinate, ignorant, prejudiced or what?
Cock Sucker At Centre Of Circumcision Controversy Tested Positive For Herpes - [ 1 July 2012 ]
Yitzchok Fischer, the mohel [ cock sucker ] who has been tied to four neonatal herpes infections (including one death and one case of brain damage) and ordered to stop the practice of metzitzah b’peh in New York state in 2007, apparently tested positive for the herpes virus, The Jewish Week has learned.This information comes amid renewed claims by Fischer’s supporters and proponents of the direct oral suction circumcision practice that it was never proved that Fischer was the source of these infections; they make such claims because health officials were never able to match the DNA of the virus that infected the babies to that of the virus carried by the mohel -- something infectious disease experts and epidemiologists say is unnecessary to infer causation.
However, these same supporters also note that Fischer refused to submit to a DNA test. While this implies Fischer had the virus, there has never
been public confirmation of this.However, a copy of the 2007 New York State Health Department order obtained by The Jewish Week, through a Freedom of Information Law request, noted that he tested positive for an infection he was capable of communicating to others. The redacted document -- required by law to protect Fischer’s privacy -- does not make specific reference to herpes, however both the context of the order and the facts surrounding Fischer’s case strongly suggest that the infection for which, according to the order, he tested positive is herpes.
The order also describes the investigation carried out by the city Health Department in the wake of three infections linked to Fischer in 2003 and 2004. (The blood test was presumably taken as a part of that investigation).
According to the order, “among other activities,” the city’s investigation included “a review of: infant and maternal pre-natal, natal and post-natal medical records and pre-and post-circumcision infant medical records; interviews with the infants’ caretakers; interviews with observers of the circumcision procedures performed on these three infants; review of infection control practices and interviews of staff who had contact with these infants in the respective hospital newborn nurseries; and laboratory tests of specimens provided by persons in contact with the infants.”
Based on the information gathered from its investigation, and the fact that Fischer performed metzitzah b’peh on these three infants, appears to have been Infected with the herpes virus and that these infections presented within a time frame consistent with an infection acquired at circumcision, the city’s health department determined that there “are no other likely sources of infection” aside from Fischer.
A 2007 case was also linked to Fischer, according to the order.
A recent paper by Dr. Daniel S. Berman, published in the haredi religious periodical Dialogue, implied that one of the three babies to linked to Fischer may have contacted the infection from his twin brother through a health care worker, a claim the order appears to disprove. Berman also writes that all three infants had rashes prior to circumcision that had been treated by their pediatricians; thus, he argues, this put them at “high risk” for herpes infection to be transmitted “though a family member or anyone else handling the baby.”
However, given the information in the order, Berman’s theory appears to be incorrect.
Several weeks ago, The Jewish Week obtained a tape recording indicating that Fischer may have continued to perform metzitzah b’peh after the order was issued. When asked several weeks ago whether the state department of heath was undertaking an investigation into Fischer in connection with a possible violation of the 2007 order, Mike Moran, a spokesman for the department, declined to comment.
Being a carrier of some disease makes cock sucking dangerous, even fatal. This comedian may well have killed one baby. Do Jews care? Not very much it seems.
Silence and self-rule - Brooklyn Jews child abuse cover-up ex Zoë Blackler in the Grauniad - [ 2 July 2012 ]
When Mordechai discovered his mentally disabled child was being molested, he reported the crime to the police. A local man was arrested and charged with repeatedly raping the boy in their synagogue's ritual bath. When news of the arrest got back to their Brooklyn community, the neighbours launched a hate campaign. But the object of their anger wasn't the alleged perpetrator, Meir Dascalowitz, it was the abused boy's father.For the last two years, Mordechai says he's been hounded by his community. "The minute this guy got arrested I started a new life, a life of hell, terror, threat, you name it." There were bogus calls to the fire department resulting in unwelcome late night visits, anonymous death threats, banishment from synagogue, even a plot to derail his move to a new apartment. "I lost my friends. I lost my family. Nobody in Williamsburg can talk to me. Nobody means nobody. We are so angry, so broken."
Mordechai's persecution is part of a widespread cover-up of child sexual abuse among Brooklyn's ultra-Orthodox Jews. With echoes of the Catholic priest scandal, for decades rabbis have hushed up child sex crimes and fomented a culture in which victims are further victimised and abusers protected.
After the first claims of a cover-up surfaced in the mid 2000s, the rabbis' stance was outright denial – not only that crimes were being concealed, but of the very existence of ultra-Orthodox child molesters. In the years since, victim advocates and whistle-blower blogs have forced open the issue. Today, the religious leadership claims to co-operate with law enforcement. The Brooklyn district attorney, Charles Hynes, long vilified by advocates for his inaction, now cares to be seen to be prosecuting – though how enthusiastically is in dispute. And attitudes within the community have shifted marginally.
Miss Blackler writes at length. Miss Blackler writes well. She names the guilty.
Jews Who Survived Child Sex Abuse Gather In Their Dozens - [ 3 July 2012 ]
Video: Voice Of Justice Model Seder Draws Dozens Of Survivors Of Child Sex And Domestic Abuse
Dozens of survivors and more than 100 activists and supporters gathered in Brooklyn to eat, dance and show haredi leadership that they aren't going away. Hundreds of pounds of food donated by the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty and other groups was distributed, both to survivors of child sex abuse and spousal abuse who attended and many others who could not.
Jews are good at being victims even whenthey are the perpetrators. These might be genuine.
Rabbi Wants Cock Sucking Regardless Of Pain, Life Time Damage, Death - Drags In Spanish Inquisition & Holocaust® Story - [ 4 July 2012 ]
Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum compares the "attack" on metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the direct mouth-to-bloody-penis sucking done by hasidic mohels to babies, to the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust. And what is that "attack"? Publishing scientific data on MBP's risk to babies – it sometimes kills them – and requiring parents to sign an informed consent form before the procedure can legally take place.Continue reading "Video: Kiryas Joel Satmar Rebbe Says No Compromise On Circumcision, Compares "Attack" On Metzitzah B'Peh To Spanish Inquisition, Holocaust " »
Jews have made billions out of the Holocaust® racket so why not use it again?
Paedophile Pervert Jew Apologizes To His Victim [ 5 July 2012 ]
Harassed Victim Of Child Sex Abuse Gets Apology From Harasser"I’m pleased to report that as part of a [legal] settlement with Ben Berri, he has published the following letter…"
On 5th June 2012 I posted a blog on Facebook that criticised Manny Waks’ legitimate attempts to expose the existence of paedophilia in the [Chabad] Yeshivah community and I cast aspersions on his motivation for doing so. My criticisms were baseless and untrue and I sincerely apologise to Mr Waks for the hurt that this must have caused to him and I retract my comments unreservedly.
Ben Berri
APOLOGY TO MR Zephaniah Waks AND MRS Chaya Waks
On 5th June 2012 I posted a blog on Facebook that criticised Mr Zephaniah and Mrs Haya Waks, the parents of Manny Waks alleging that they were aware of paedophilia in the [Chabad] Yeshivah community and that they failed to report such acts to Victoria Police. My criticisms were baseless and untrue and I sincerely apologise to Mr and Mrs Waks for the hurt that this must have caused to them and I retract my comments unreservedly.
Ben Berri
I hope this serves as a reminder to everyone that while debate and discussion is welcome, under no circumstances will intimidation and harassment be tolerated.
Sometimes things get better.
Jew In Toronto Arrested For Sexually Assaulting Girl - [ 6 July 2012 ]
Toronto Haredi Man Arrested For Sexually Assaulting Minor Girl The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of an arrest made in a historical sexual assault investigation that occurred between September 1990 and September 2000. It is alleged that over a 10−year period the accused sexually assaulted a girl, who was 13 years old at the time of the first assault. The assaults took place in his home and at one of his places of employment. On Wednesday, June 27, 2012, Martin Hyman, 47, of Toronto, was arrested and charged with: 1) Sexual Assault 2) Sexual Interference 3) Sexual Exploitation.
Another Jew, another pervert.
Jew Is A Paedophile Pervert & A Thief - [ 7 July 2012 ]
Man Accused Of Raping Teen Is Working At Brooklyn Yeshiva Due To Sweetheart Plea Deal Moshe Pinter, who is accused of raping a young boy, has been working at a Brooklyn yeshiva for troubled teens, in part because he was offered and took a plea deal that kept him off the sex offender registry.Exclusive: Man accused of raping a teen has been working at a Brooklyn yeshiva
Reuven Blau • New York Daily News
A Borough Park man accused of raping a young boy has been working at a Brooklyn yeshiva for troubled teens - and the city’s Probation Dept. never barred him from contact with minors.
Moshe Pinter, 28, was arrested and charged with a trying to molest a 13-year old boy in 2007, but pled down the top felony charge to a misdemeanor child endangerment offense after the victim declined to testify against him, according to court records and sources.
Pinter was sentenced to three years of probation, but was not barred from working with minors.
For the past year Pinter has been working at Ohr Hameir Yeshiva in Borough Park chaperoning Hasidic teens on weekend getaways while parents had no idea of his criminal past - which also includes two theft convictions.
“It's scary. My parents fell for it. They had no idea. He should be a million miles away from kids," said the brother of a former student at the Tenth Ave. school. "They put him right back in the community.”
After an inquiry from the Daily News, a Probation Dept. spokesman said the agency is “investigating” Pinter’s role at the school.…Pinter pled guilty to grand larceny charges last March and faces up to 15 years in prison at his October sentencing.
Rabbi Allegedly Told Parents Not To Report The Rape Of Their Daughter By Their Sons - [ 8 July 2012 ]
The State Prosecutor's Office has filed an indictment this week against two brothers who molested their younger sister. The abuse continued for years after a rabbi advised the parents against involving to the police, saying that such incidents "happen in many families." The parents claimed the rabbi told them they shouldn’t "make a big deal of it" because it is a common occurrence. The family kept the episodes secret for two years; meanwhile, the abuse continued.Did rabbi downplay incest rape?
Brothers molest kid sister for years, after rabbi advises parents against involving police, telling them such abuse is common
........The girl,14, was only 10 years old when her older brothers began sexually assaulting her. The eldest brother, 20, used to rape his sister regularly, while the younger of the two, 19, touched her inappropriately. When the parents discovered the horrifying abuse they consulted their rabbi, who advised them to deal with the issue at home.
Jews are keen on fingering the paedophile priests they infiltrated into the Church - see e.g. That is politics. That is subversion. Concealing their own evil is politics too.
Rapist Rabbi Is Paedophile Pervert - Allegedly - [ 9 July 2012 ]
'French police suspect rabbi raped underage girls'
70-year-old rabbi - founder of French Liberal Jewish Movement - probed by police investigators, French media reports.
Police in France have questioned Rabbi Daniel Farhi, a prominent member of the Jewish community in that country, over suspicions that had he had raped an undisclosed number of underage girls, French media reported Tuesday.......He said that if suspicions against the rabbi known for his outreach to Muslims and efforts to commemorate the Holocaust were confirmed it would be a "disaster."
Another Jew, another Holocaust® racketeer, another paedo or not as the case maybe.
Jews Cover Up Child Sex Abuse At Flagship School And Keep Kids Ignorant - Allegedly - [ 10 July 2012 ]
An Alleged Coverup Of Child Sex Abuse And Physical Abuse At Chabad's Flagship Crown Heights YeshivaOholei Torah in Crown Heights, founded and run at the direction of the late Chabad-Lubavitch rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and known as the "Rebbe's school," does not teach its students legally mandated secular subjects. It also allegedly covered up child sex abuse and the physical abuse of students.
…There is a deep, sinking pit in my stomach when I think about the years of academic study I missed that most people take for granted. I smile sadly when I hear kids complaining about going to school; I would gladly go in their place. While I certainly hope I can, one cannot easily overcome missing out on 13 years of academic study [caused by] a corrupt system [which failed to teach students secular studies].
The corruption at [Chabad's Oholei Torah [yeshiva in Crown Heights] has provoked a frustrating, painful memory, which I had not planned on mentioning. In third grade, my classmates and I watched our teacher brutally beat one of the students for what seemed like at least a half an hour. To this day, my friends and I remember that event vividly. It is something no one can ever forget. This teacher was not held accountable, let alone disciplined. More recently, I questioned the school's dean about this event and why it wasn't dealt with; I had also inquired about some other disturbing allegations from former students that Oholei Torah covered up and refused to report sexual abuse that former students had brought to the attention of the school seeking help.The response I got was glib: I was told that these stories are not true (even though I witnessed one and heard the accounts of sexual abuse from the victims themselves). A former social worker, and hence a legally mandated reporter, employed by this institution told me that he was told by the dean of the school that if he were to ever report a crime to the authorities, he would immediately be fired.
My appeals to the community on the problems of the educational system had all fallen on deaf ears. I had to seek an outside forum to open a dialogue. People are discussing the problems now. I had spoken to the school administration many times about these problems, as well as my objection to the current curriculum being taught in the school. The only response that I got and continue to get from the principal and other chief operating officers within the school is: "This is the Rebbe's institution, and this is how he wanted it and we won't ever try to change that. It's pure chutzpah to try and challenge something the Rebbe believed in, and even worse to try and bring shame to the Rebbe's institution by talking about these things publicly."…
Keeping their own ignorant is a mug's game. Being a bunch of layabouts who will not work means they have plenty of time to breed. Haredi Jews are growth industry.
Jews Claim They Did Not Protect Paedophile Perverts - Guilty Are Named [ 11 July 2012 ]
The Jewish Week Refutes Ohel’s Lame Claim That It Did Not Cover Up Sex Abuse (Updated 5 pm to include names of Ohel Board of Directors)
Last week, The Jewish Week published Hella Winston‘s [ ] expose of Ohel’s failure to report sex abuse even when required by law. Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services dodged the question but bought an ad in the Jewish Week to claim unfair pejorative reporting. Jewish Week staff [ Ohel Says Jewish Week Accusations ‘Unfounded’ - ] replied to the ad with more evidence of Ohel’s failures. Read this story. It is important. It shows why Ohel’s Board should dismiss Director, David Mandel, as part of an internal investigation and housecleaning [ ]
UPDATE (3-3-11) According to Gary
Rosenblatt, Editor of the Jewish Week, in his March 2 article,
Jewish Week to Ohel: Where’s The Beef?,
David Mandel, sent out a staff directive to staff saying that the agency would
be “launching an editorial and informational campaign in print, online and
through the various social media, rebutting” a Feb. 25 Jewish Week
investigative report,
“Abuse Case Tests Ohel’s Adherence
To Reporting Laws.”
As I wrote almost a year ago, Ohel is a leaky tent [ ] and it is time to patch it up. Clearly, Mandel is only concerned about the truth leaking, not about the abuse afflicting his children. He responds to problems by blaming his staff and censoring them.
David Mandel, time is running out for you. Do the decent thing and resign so Ohel can start cleaning house. I know I am whistling in the wind when I appeal to your conscience. I just thought I would give it a try.
ACTION CALL- If you know anyone on the board of Ohel, contact them and express your concerns. If you want to know more about Ohel’s sordid history [ ] check out this exhaustive and exhausting catalog of allegations against them.
Below is the list of the Board of Directors:
Sendy Berger Moshe Bertram Dr. Marcel (Mosie) Biberfeld (VP- Maimonides Hospital) Sid Borenstein Mark Bunim, Esq. Shloime Dachs Gary Eichhorn Joel Eisenreich Rabbi Yona Feinstein Rabbi Joseph Fischman Avi Fishoff Rabbi Yitzchok Fleischer Dr. Jerald S. Friedman Saul N. Friedman Sonny Ganger Dr. Frank Goldberg Rabbi Philip Goldberg Moishe Hellman Ronnie Hersh Marc Herskowitz Moshe Hertz Danial Jacobson David Jacobson Ari Jungreis Chaim Kaminetzky Lester Kaufman Jay Kestenbaum Dr. Philip Kipust Eli (Elly) Kleinman Herschel Langer Irving Langer Louis Libin Miriam Lubling Chaim Mermelstein David Mermelstein Sol Mermelstein Dr. Tzvi Neuberger Chaya Neuberger Marc Newman Dr. David Nussbaum Naftali Perlowitz Barry Picker Avi Pifko, Esq. Rabbi Jacob Rabinowitz Pinny Rand Rabbi Harry Rieder Nicole Rosenberg Baila Sandhaus Harry Schlachter A J Schreiber Barry Schreiber Fred Schulman Duvi Simon Barry Stern Elly Tendler, Esq. Max Wasser Shaul Wasser Moshe H Wieder Mel Zachter Morris (Moshe) Zakheim
There are plenty of them.Mesirah is the word Jews use for their code of silence. The Wikipedia does not tell us that it is just like the Sicilian Mafia's code of silence, the one they call Omerta. It what lawyers call Perverting the course of justice.
Brooklyn Molest Fiend Scarpers To Israeli Crime State - - [ 12 July 2012 ]
Beat Genital Mutilation Ban By Going Abroad Says Islamic. Jews Do It By Perverting The Law - [ 13 July 2012 ]
'Cheat genital mutilation ban by going abroad': British Muslim leader caught on camera advocating female circumcision........ Mohammed Abdul, the Imam of a Bristol mosque, was filmed urging a follower to take women and girls abroad so they can be circumcised legally. The practice was banned by law in 2003, and it's illegal to help or encourage anyone to carry out the barbaric procedure overseas.
This will have been the Fake Sheik, one of Murdoch's henchmen. The difference between female genital mutilation [ ] & male genital mutilation [ ] is that Islamics do one so it is illegal while Jews do the other so it is allowed. See Foreskin Man for more and better details. The same effect is seen with Fox Hunting which was banned as an act of malice by Blair, using it as a bribe to Labour MPs full of hate; it was class war while Kosher Slaughter [ see e.g. ] is allowed. Cruelty is irrelevant to politicians. Jews have power, political power, too much power.
Foreskin Man Stops Jews Mutilating Baby Boys, Jews Whine - [ 14 July 2012 ]
An organizer behind a growing campaign to outlaw circumcision for infant boys now has created a comic book specifically targeting that Jewish practice, and critics say he’s gone too far by using Nazi images and stereotypes.........The comic is called “Foreskin Man” by MGMBill Comics - Its first edition was launched last year by Matthew Hess, who is president of the campaign lobbying for a vote that would end “male genital mutilation. ” -
A vote is scheduled on that proposal is San Francisco in the fall, and in support of that effort, Hess released a second edition of the comic. According to the Anti-Defamation League, [ ] the comic book’s “Monster Mohel” and its “grotesque anti-Semitic imagery and themes” are “disrespectful and deeply offensive.”.
“This is an advocacy campaign taken to a new low,” said Nancy J. Appel, ADL associate regional director. “This is a sensitive, serious issue where good people can disagree and which the Jewish community feels is an assault on its values and traditions going back thousands of years and centered in the Hebrew Bible.”......... The “hero,” the superman fighting circumcisions, is portrayed as a blond, blue-eyed Aryan type character; the rabbi intending to perform the circumcision is a stereotype with an evil grin, claw-type fingers clutching a scissors and in some panels, even is portrayed without pupils in his eyes.
At Pajamas Media, [ ] the images from the comic were presented alongside images from the 1940 Nazi film “Der Ewige Jude,” with both characters featuring almost identical leers.
There, forum page participant “Ed” said, “The Law of Moses requires that the boy be circumcised on the eighth day. If you abolish infant circumcision, you criminalize Judaism.”
The Bible, however, makes it clear. In Gen. 17, at the point when God was reaching his covenant with Abram, whose name was changed to Abraham at that time, he promises.
“And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all of the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and the seed after thee; every man child among you shall be circumcised…”
In the Washington Post, [ ] David Wolpe, the rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, said in some European cities “not so long ago” those who hate Jews “resorted to the simple expedient of burning synagogues.”
“Here at home there is a movement to ban circumcision,” he said. “There is an undercurrent of contempt for religious belief in general that drives this measure. The authors [of the proposal] think of themselves as liberal but they are actually coercive; they are believers in transcendence as well, but it is in the transcendence of their own judgment. I carry the covenant of Abraham in my flesh. Forgive me if I find the city of San Francisco’s attempt to annul that faintly ludicrous, and very offensive.”
But Tom Flynn, who heads the Council for Secular Humanism, [ ] disagreed.
“Infant circumcision is something a secular society would never allow if it weren’t associated with religious traditions. … Banning circumcision raises church-state issues, to be sure, as it forces society into … declaring certain sacred practices illegal. To me, however, aggrieved believers’ free-exercise rights end where another person’s health of bodily integrity begins,” he said.
Nicholas T. Wright, Anglican bishop in Durham, England, [ ] noted that when Emperor Hadrian tried to ban circumcision about 130 A.D., “it led to the Second Jewish Revolt. It was, after all, a rather blatant attempt to squelch the Jewish people and their ancestral heritage.”
“What’s going on, of course, is an attempt to enforce modern western indvidualism over cultures in which family identity is basic. What will be next, I wonder – a ban on infant baptism because the poor child isn’t old enough to make up his/her mind?
“The illiberalism of ‘liberal’ society is wondrous to behold. You can have any opinion you like as long as it’s the same as mine.”
In addition to the San Francisco vote, there have been discussions about having the same vote in other jurisdictions in California, too.
On the site, Hess said, “The Foreskin Man comic book uses popular art to shine a spotlight on the practice of infant circumcision. Over the years there have been a lot of rationalizations and justifications to keep it going, but the bottom line is that forced circumcision violates human rights. I hope this story will help convince some people of that in a way that words alone cannot.”
But according to the Jewish Journal’s Jonah Lowenfeld, [ ] “The second issue of ‘Foreskin Man’ depicts Monster Mohel as a dark-haired, wild-eyed man toting glistening scissors. Foreskin Man is a blond-haired muscle-bound superhero, complete with a cape. Check it out,” his report said. [ I did. I do not think he wanted me to laugh though. - Editor ]
Jews are very clear about this; it is propaganda directed at them. They do not like it. Of course when they do it to us that is different. The Wikipedia tells us about what it calls female genital cutting [ ]which is what blacks do to their womenfolk. The Wiki is keeping very quiet about male genital mutilation [ ] which is what Jews do to their sons. Jews matter. Blacks do not. See Female Genital Mutilation In Ireland [ ] on the point. Feminists keep quiet about that but then Feminists are incited by Jews. It is the same with Kosher Slaughter, the vicious practice to killing their animals for meat without stunning them first. Jew are allowed to do it. Honest men are not. See the Farm Animal Welfare Committee Report or their other Reports. Her Majesty's Government's Response [ ] was, in essence: We don't care about animal cruelty. We pander to Jews with their strange obsessions. Foreskin Man [ ] is on the right lines. The mutilators looks like Jews but then the mutilators are Jews.Circumcision Is Good For Health - Allegedly - [ 15 July 2012 ]
BOYS who are circumcised in childhood are about 15 per cent less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in later life - a finding some [ alleged but unnamed ] health experts say strengthens the arguments to make the procedure more widely available. After drastic declines in popularity in Australia over the past 40 years, the health benefits of circumcision have recently been reviewed by various expert bodies following evidence circumcised men enjoy some protection from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.But a new study by US experts, published online yesterday by the journal Cancer [ but not found on their web site - Editor ], suggests the benefits may go further by extending to the single most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, which is also the third-biggest cancer killer of men.
This article is entirely likely to be Propaganda, a follow up to Foreskin Man's attempt to get circumcision made illegal in San Francisco. The fact claimed, if it is a fact in the first place is unlikely to be statistically relevant. It might imply cause and effect, no more. The same study might show a 20% increase in syphilis or some other unpleasant condition. It is definitely true that the death rate for Australians who are circumcised is 100%, that is fatal every time. Searching for "prostate circumcision" on the Cancer web site drew blank. The alleged benefits are for homosexuals. Is this a plus point? Perhaps not.
Cock Sucking Jew Gives Babies Herpes & Writes A Book About It [ 16 July 2012 ]
Leading Hasidic Proponent Of Metzitzah B'Peh Has Herpes, Infected Children
In response to the AIDS crisis, Rabbi Yonoson Binyomin Goldberger, a Bobov hasid and mohel living in Borough Park, Brooklyn, wrote a book in the late 1980s defending metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the direct oral-to-genital sucking done by the mohel to the baby's bleeding circumcision wound. The book drew on a proclamation by leading haredi rabbis instructing Jews to continue to do MBP despite medical claims that it was unsafe to do so. Failed Messiah has learned that Goldberger later was forced to stop doing MBP after he infected two infants with the Herpes virus.Goldberger's book was translated into English and published by Feldheim in 1991 under the title "Sanctity and Science: Insights into the Practice of Milah & Metzitzah." It is chock full of circular reasoning, arguments made from pre-existing conclusions (we know MBP is safe because our holy rabbis say it is, therefore doctors who oppose it must be wrong, etc.), and really bad science (much of it done circa 1906).
A decade after the English edition was first published, Goldberger allegedly transmitted Herpes to two infants through MBP and was identified to the Department of Health.
He quietly stopped doing MBP himself. Later, he stopped doing circumcisions altogether after becoming to ill (with an unrelated illness) to do the procedure safely.
Even so, neither Goldberger or Feldheim recalled Goldberger's atrocious book or warned the public about it.
I've known this for several weeks but struggled with what to do with the information because my sources – including a source in Goldberger's own community – refused to go on the record because they feared reprisals from haredi leaders.
In the end, I decided the information is too important to suppress. You can take it or leave it as you see fit.
23 years ago yesterday, the leading haredi rabbis in North America, the leaders of Agudath Israel of America, of Satmar, of Vizhnitz, of Bobov, and of the Lithuanian yeshivas – including Avrohom Pam, Elya Svei, Menashe Klein, Mordechai Hagar (the Vizhnitzer Rebbe), Mordechai Gifter, Moshe Teitelbaum (the Satmar Rebbe), Moshe Stern, Ezriel Leibovics, Reuven Feinstein, Shlomo Halberstam (the Bobover Rebbe), and Shmuel Berenbaum – along with the leading haredi rabbis in Israel and the leading haredi rabbis in Europe signed a proclamation mandating that MBP continue unaltered unless there was a "suspicion of disease over the infant." If that suspicion exists an "expert rabbi" should then be consulted – meaning that if there is a suspicion that the baby carries a communicable disease, a senior rabbi should decide whether MBP should be done. The proclamation says nothing about a mohel carrying disease and transmitting it to an otherwise healthy baby through MBP.
Babies died and were maimed because of what these rabbis ruled, because of what Goldberger wrote and did, and because of Feldheim – and none of them who are still living has apologized for those errors or done anything to warn the public about them.
Jews are superstitious savages. Their filthy practices main & kill. Do they care? Evidently not.
Cock Sucking Jews Give Babies Herpes - [ 17 July 2012 ]
Video: More Babies Infected With Herpes Through Haredi Penis Sucking Ritual Two babies were infected with Herpes Simplex 1 in Rockland County in 2009 through metzitzah b'peh.
Cock sucking Jew kills baby - [ 18 July 2012 ] - next
Agudath Israel of America - – lobbied to stop that ban, Satmar going so far as to demonstrate against the mayor while wearing concentration camp uniforms and claiming the mayor – himself Jewish – was an anti-Semite. It appears the city government tried to hide this new death from the media, leading to the question: how many more babies have been killed by Satmar and Agudath Israel lobbying that we don't know about?
Cock Sucking Jews With Herpes Are Dangerous - [ 19 July 2012 ]
Untreated neonatal herpes simplex virus is associated with a 40 percent survival rate, and even with the early initiation of high-dose intravenous acyclovir therapy, it can result in “considerable disability among survivors.” The neonatal herpes virus can spread to the brain and central nervous system causing encephalitis and meningitis and leading to mental retardation, cerebral palsy. Herpes can also spread to internal organs, such as the liver and lungs.
Cock Sucking Is Healthy Claims Jew - [ 20 July 2012 ]
Agudath Israel's Executive VP Rabbi David Zwiebel explains why Agudath Israel of America of America's previous support for metzitzah b'peh is not responsible for a baby's recent death from the oral-to-genital suction health professionals wanted to ban. Of course he does not produce any real evidence. Meanwhile, NYC's Mayor Michael Bloomberg explains why MBP has to go.
Jew attacking baby.
Cock Sucking Jews Protected From Justice By Victims' Families - [ 21 July 2012 ]
Winston also reports that the family of the baby who died from MBP-transmitted HSV-1 in Brooklyn in September are not cooperating with the investigation into the death, and in the two cases from Rockland County reported by ABC late last night, families are also stonewalling the investigation and are refusing to give the health department the name of the mohel who did the circumcision and MBP.The just reported Rockland County cases have:
raised a red flag because Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer, a mohel who has already been linked to four neonatal herpes infections (including one death) and has been under an order banning him from performing the ritual in New York state since 2007, lives in Rockland County.
While, according to Facelle, Rabbi Fischer was “certainly … well aware” of the order at the time, The Jewish Week learned that Fischer is still scheduling brises with metzitzah b’peh in Rockland County, though it has not been established that he was involved in the 2009 cases.
Jews protect criminals. Jews expose their sons to death, becoming lunatics etcetera. Fools, madmen or what? Mesirah is the word they use for their code of silence. It is what the Mafia call Omerta. Lawyers say it is perverting the course of justice.
A Certified Expert Cock Sucker Explains - [ 22 July 2012 ]
The debate about ritual circumcision with metzitzah b’peh (direct mouth-to-wound oral suctioning by the mohel) is complex, as it involves halachic, historical, social, medical, technical and potential regulatory components.My personal interest and experience in ritual circumcision is long standing. I studied to be a mohel in Israel and was certified as a mohel by the Israeli Rabbinate in 1983. I have performed many circumcisions, mostly on babies of family members, and occasionally on children and adults from the former Soviet Union. Furthermore, as a vascular surgeon for the past 22 years, I have frequent interaction with infection and wound healing issues.
My first interaction with probable disease transmission from metzitzah b’peh (MBP) was in 1998, when an infant in my wife’s pediatric practice was treated for herpes infection of his genital area soon after a bris that included MBP. The latest case of an infant death in New York attributed to herpes associated with MBP is deeply disturbing to any parent, mohel, rabbi or public health official. Clearly we need to discuss MBP and at least entertain potential changes in ritual practice.
For those in a position to influence the debate, I present the following medically related points..............
The Talmud recommends MBP as beneficial to the health of the baby, consistent with ancient Greek and Roman medical theory. However, based on the current mainstream medical understanding of wound healing and infection prevention, there is no known medical benefit to MBP; certainly none that would outweigh its currently observed potential for harm.........
I hope that medical misinformation will not cloud the discussion.
He looks like a supercilious rogue but reads as honest.
Cock Sucking Jew Gives Another Baby Herpes - [ 23 July 2012 ]
NYC's Department of Health is investigating another Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 infection of a newborn, and a source in the medical community says the infection was given to the baby by a mohel who sucked the baby's penis after cutting off the baby's foreskin.
The Jewish Week:The New York City Department of Health received a report within the last week of an infant with symptoms of neonatal herpes and the case is currently under investigation, The Jewish Week has learned. (By law, such reports must be made within 24 hours of a diagnosis).
While the health department could not confirm where the report came from or whether it involved the circumcision ritual metzitzah b’peh, a source in the medical community told The Jewish Week that a suspected case of neonatal herpes related to metzitzah b’peh, or oral suction, has been treated at Maimonides Hospital within the past week.
Eileen Tynion, a spokeswoman for Maimonides, told The Jewish Week, “we are bound by federal law (HIPAA) and can neither confirm nor deny the presence of any patient in our hospital.” …
Winston also reports that Rockland County's health commissioner said the two 2009 cases there could not be linked to a particular mohel because the mohel(s) who did those circumcisions could not be identified by the health department. Why? Because haredim – including the families of the sickened infants – closed ranks to protects the mohel(s), and did not cooperate with the health department's investigation.
Perverting the course of justice to protect criminal cock suckers is crime. But then that is Jews for you.
Jews Market Dodgy Degrees Using American Tax Money - [ 24 July 2012 ]
The 'college' is Chabad's Michigan Jewish Institute. Its own classes are almost exclusively online. It has no campus or building of its own, making do with a a couple classrooms in a Chabad synagogue. It has national accredetation from an organization that accredits one year to 18 month technical programs. Students can ear one (and sometimes, two!) '4-year' B.A. degrees in a two year time period. Almost all its degrees are issued for 'Judaic studies.' And almost all of its students are studying in yeshivas and women's seminaries in Israel, Brooklyn and New Jersey. It keeps about 50% of each student's Pell Grant and gives the rest to the yeshiva or seminary the student is actually studying in. Pell Grants cannot be used to pay for religious studies, but they clearly seem to be here. Yet while unsavory and unethical, what the Michigan Jewish Institute and its partner yeshivas and seminaries – which include Chabad yeshivas like Mayyanot, non-Chabad haredi yeshivas and seminaries, and Bar Ilan University – are doing is probably legal due to loopholes in the regulations governing Pell Grants.Much of what the Michigan Jewish Institute does has been done for years by Touro College, for example, which provided a similar service for yeshivas and seminaries in Israel that allowed their students to get collge credit – and Pell Grants and Federal student loans – for yeshiva studies.
I saw transcripts from the Turo-Aish HaTorah collboration that listed classes students allegedly took and granted them grades, even though the calsses were all religious indoctrination or traditional Talmud study or halakha study that in no way met accepted academic standards for a university course.
(For example, a class on "Jewish History" started with God's creation of the world just less than 5800 years ago and went on to discuss Noah, Shem, Ever, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and his brothers, and the exodus from Egypt. But the class never presented any credible information that conflicts with the haredi view of Jewish history. Students were taught fables as if they were factual history and factual history and science were excluded – unless a fragment could be used out of context to bolster the fables. This class got university credit despite all that and students seeking university credit were given grades, even though there were no tests, no papers to written, and often no attendance requirements for that class – or for any other.)
Aish's 'transcript' was accepted by Touro, which granted credit for semesters of classes like this.
Even though I've written about the Touro-Aish and Touro-yeshiva-seminaries (legal but unethical) scam several times previously, and even tough information on what Touro did is very easy to find, the Forward, which exposed Chabad's Michigan Jewish Institute scam, doesn't seem to know that it exists.
And that's a shame, because its readers deserve to know that haredim have been (legally) bilking federal student loan and Pell Grant programs for decades.
They also deserve to know what the 'degrees' many haredim have are actually worth.
Credits from the Michigan Jewish Institute and other similar scams can be laundered by several non-Jewish colleges with, shall we say, marginally better standing, allowing students to flip a year or two of Michigan Jewish Institute credits combined with yeshiva study/'life experience' into a B.A. or graduate school admission. Pay the non-Jewish college a fee for each credit transferred and for every credit of 'life experience,' take a small number of online classes from the non-Jewish college, and walk away with a B.A. that is made up of smoke, mirrors and yeshiva study.
That is how many Chabadniks and haredim 'earn' B.A.s and even get accepted to graduate programs.
And especially when those graduate programs are distance learning programs in certain specific areas of study from a certain few 'universities,' there are ways for these Chabad and haredi students to pass their evaluations and 'earn' those degrees by cheating, basically by buying papers and having ringers take tests.
Perhaps the crack reporting and editing team at the Forward will choose to look further and deeper to uncover this.
Thieving? Perhaps it just looks that way.
Cock Sucking Crazies Explained By Christopher Hitchens - [ 25 July 2012 ]
Cut It Off
Another disgusting religious practice.
Christopher Hitchens • Slate (8-29-2005)
I can never read the name "Michael Bloomberg" without an automatic free-association that flashes up in my mind. "Little putz," is what my internal prompter always cues to me. Obviously this and other intuitions must be prompted by whatever grand intelligence originally designed me, because here's what I read on page B5 of the New York Times on Friday, Aug. 26:
"A circumcision ritual practiced by some Orthodox Jews has alarmed city health officials, who say it may have led to three cases of herpes—one of them fatal—in infants. … The practice is known as oral suction, or in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh: after removing the foreskin of the penis, the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the wound to clean it."
The continuing scandal of this practice, which most Jews abandoned many years ago, is newly illustrated by the death of one little boy from type-1 herpes, and the infection of two others, in Staten Island and Brooklyn, after they had been subjected to this ritual by the same mohel. Let's be clear what's involved here. The Times refers to an article published last year in the journal Pediatrics that argued that metzitzah b'peh carries a serious health risk and is, for that reason alone, a violation of Jewish law. ("We suspect … that this entity is underreportedfor cultural reasons and that the studies described here areonly the "tip of the iceberg" of the true incidence of the disease," the authors note). None of this should be hard to comprehend: If it risks the life or health of an infant, then no religious allegiance is or should be required for its condemnation. Q.E.D., as you might say.
What's Bloomberg got to do with this, you may be impatient to know by now. Well, the mayor of the great city where these children were deliberately exposed to infection and death has had a meeting with the Orthodox authorities who like to see this happening to small putzes, and he has expressed himself thus, on his own radio show, again as per the Times:
"We're going to do a study, and make sure that everyone is safe and at the same time, it is not the government's business to tell people how to practice their religion."
Study? What study? Can't the fool get through an article by a Jewish authority in Pediatrics? For the Times reporter to add that Mayor Bloomberg's comment appeared to be designed not to "upset a group that can be a formidable voting bloc" was, in the circumstances, worse than superfluous.
Where to start with this? I could wish that Bloomberg were always so careful about keeping out of other peoples' business: He has made it legally impossible to have a cigarette and a cocktail at the same time, anywhere in the city. But I'll trade him his stupid prohibitionist ban if he states clearly that it is the government's business to protect children from religious fanatics. Female genital mutilation, for example, is quite rightly banned under federal law, and no religious exemption is, or ever should be, permitted. The Mormons were obliged to give up polygamy and forcible marriage before they, or the state of Utah, could be part of the United States. A Christian Scientist who denies urgent medical treatment to his or her children may well be hauled up for reckless endangerment, as may those whose churches teach redemption through violent corporal punishment. The First Amendment does indeed forbid any infringement of religious freedom, but it is not, as was once said, part of a suicide pact, let alone a child-abuse one.
Let's by all means hear from Rabbi David Niederman of the United Jewish Organization in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who emerged from his meeting with Bloomberg to inform us that: "The Orthodox Jewish community will continue the practice that has been practiced for over 5,000 years. We do not change. And we will not change." You can preach it, rabbi, but you have no more right to practice it than a Muslim imam who preaches the duty of holy war has the right to put his teachings into effect. And Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer, the 57-year-old man who ministered to the three boys in question, is currently under a court order that forbids him from doing it again—pending an investigation by the health department. What "investigation?" If another man of that age were found to be slicing the foreskins of little boys and then sucking their penises and their blood, he would be in jail—one hopes—so fast that his feet wouldn't touch the ground. If he then told the court that God ordered him to do it, he would be offering precisely the defense that thousands of psychos have already made so familiar. Preach it rabbi. Preach it to the judge.
A few years ago I traveled to Calcutta with the brilliant photographer Sebastião Salgado, who has made the eradication of polio his signature cause. In 2001, there was a real chance that this childhood-wrecking and frequently lethal malady could go the way of smallpox. Only a few outposts, usually in very bad war zones like Afghanistan, had not been reported as "clear." (The two sides in the civil war in El Salvador observed a truce so that the vaccine could be safely distributed.) But some mullahs in Bengal spread the rumor that the vaccine led to impotence and diarrhea (a bad combo) and urged mothers to keep their children away from the nurses and physicians. Most Bengalis are too smart to listen to ravings like these, which exactly resemble the view of Dr. Timothy Dwight, one of America's founding divines, that vaccination against smallpox was an interference with the divine design. However, in northern Nigeria, where imams now hold state power in many provinces, the polio vaccine has been denounced as a plot "by the US and the UN [!]" to "sterilize Muslims." In consequence of this fatwa, the disease has returned to Nigeria this year and also spread back to several African countries that thought they had bidden farewell to it. Decades of patient and skillful work have been ruined, along with the lives of uncounted children.
Jewish babies exposed to herpes in New York, thousands of American children injured for life after the rape and torture they suffered at the hands of a compliant Catholic priesthood, prelates and mullahs outbidding each other in denial of AIDS … it's not just your mental health that is challenged by faith. Anyone who says that this evil deserves legal protection is exactly as guilty as the filthy old men who delight in inflicting it. What a pity that there is no hell.
Rapist Rabbi Is Paedophile Pervert In Boca Raton, Florida - [ 26 July 2012 ]
Rabbi Baruch Lanner physically, sexually and emotionally abused dozens – perhaps hundreds – of boys and girls during more than 40 years at the OU's NCSY youth movement and at least one day school.Lanner served time for child sex at the day school he taught at, and the OU – after extreme pressure – half heartedly 'cleaned up' its operation. Even though dozens of OU staffers knew about Lanner's crimes and did nothing to stop him because, as one said, Lanner's kiruv (outreach) was so good, no one was fired. Two or three senior OU staffers retired and one staffer left after several years of the OU patiently nudging him to. The rest stayed on.
According to a source in the Modern Orthodox community who is very close to this issue, Lanner is now planning on living in the Modern Orthodox community of Boca Raton, Florida where, so far, the rabbis have been silent about Lanner and his crimes.
According to this source, here's the law in Florida as it would apply to Lanner's residence:
§ 947. 1405 (7)(a)(2)
A sex offender whose victim was under 18 years old cannot live within 1,000 feet of schools or places where children congregate.Lanner's son lives within 1000 feet of a Jewish school, I'm told, and Lanner will be staying there at least until he finds a place of his own.
The Lanner family nonsensically contends that Florida's law only applies to public schools – meaning Lanner can live next to a yeshiva, day school or synagogue because all are private religious institutions, and it appears they are ready to fight this out in court, if necessary.
So until you here differently, be careful, Boca Raton.
One of the worst serial child molesters in Jewish history is about to be your new neighbor, and your rabbis apparently are doing nothing to warn you or to stop it.
Jews are a state within a state, one that hates. They are parasites leeching us as they destroy us.
Cock Sucking Jews Lie To Protect Their Filthy Habit - [ 27 July 2012 ]
Regulating Metzitzah B’Peh?
Shmarya Rosenberg •
A New York City’s Board of Mental Health and Hygiene held a hearing yesterday to discuss plans to have parents sign a consent form that details the risks of metzitzah b’peh (MBP), the direct oral-to-penis sucking done by many mohels (Jewish ritual circumcisers) immediately after cutting off the baby’s foreskin.
As you’d expect, haredi rabbis showed up to defend the practice – which has killed several children and caused severe brain damage in at least two others, along with infecting at least a dozen more in the NYC metropolitan area and its suburbs during the past 11 years alone.
There are no firm statistics, but based on the stats I’ve seen, a baby is more likely to be sickened or killed by MBP than by gun violence, meaning that if all American babies were circumcised at eight days and had MBP done to them, more would end up hospitalized and maimed than American children up to the age of 5 are killed or injured by gun violence.
Despite that, and despite the US Centers for Disease Control’s warning on MBP’s dangers, haredi rabbis leapt to the defense of MBP. And, as has been their norm, they did so in part by lying.
Rabbi A. Romi Cohn American Board of Ritual Circumcision reportedly made sure to tell the hearing that he is a Holocaust survivor – presumably to link any regulation of MBP to Nazi antisemitism.
Then Cohn tried to blame disease transmitted by MBP on untrained, unapproved mohels.
“I myself have performed 25,000 circumcisions, and, thank God, we have not had one single incident … our guidelines are, I think, much stricter than the medical profession.”
But, Cohn claimed, some people who are not certified mohels according to halakha, Jewish law, pretend to be and do circumcisions.
“This is completely forbidden, but unfortunately they are doing it. These people don’t know what sterility means. They don’t know about infection. We try to tell parents that if they choose a circumciser, he should be board-certified.”
What Cohn did not tell the hearing is that Rabbi Yitzchok Fischer, who has infected children with MBP who ended up maimed or dead, has kabbalah, the ordination halakha requires to mohels to have. He also has the backing of many haredi rabbis – including senior haredi rabbis.
So does Rabbi Yonoson Binyomin Goldberger, who wrote a leading book on supporting MBP and circumcision that was endorsed by leading haredi rabbis. He was forced to stop doing MBP after he infected at least two children with herpes through MBP.
Rabbi Cohn is a liar.
So is a Chabad mohel, Rabbi Levi Heber.
“Being a mohel is a religious status…I cannot follow an outside authority,” Heber, the director of the International Bris Association, reportedly told the hearing. “If we feel that our religious freedom is being restricted, we have the right to challenge it in court … we are ready, if needed, to challenge this.”
But Jewish law mandates Jews to follow the law of land unless it directly conflicts with a Torah law, and Jewish law does not consider MBP to be a part of the circumcision ritual itself. Instead, it is a health measure done to speed healing, just like putting cumin powder on the baby’s open penis wound. Both MBP and cumin powder have exactly the same status in Jewish law, and they are not part of the biblically mandated circumcision procedure.
But cumin powder hasn’t been used by mohels in a very long time, because better sources of promoting healing have been found.
Only haredim treat MBP as frozen in time, as if 1800 year old Mishnaic medicine, itself based on Galen, who lived decades before that, trumps empirical science, antibiotics and germ transmission theory. But it doesn’t, not in real life and not even in halakha.
And so haredim continue to lie.
The Board of Health plans to issue its decision on the informed consent this September.
For his part, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg – who sold out to Satmar the last time this issue was in the spotlight, after Satmar dressed some of its hasidim in Holocaust death camp uniforms and yellow stars and accused Bloomberg of mimicking the Nazis – has been nearly silent about the city’s most recent infant death from MBP, while at the same time he banned big gulp sodas and railed against guns. In the latter case, he blamed President Obama for not taking action to ban assault rifles and regulate sales of large caliber ammunition.
Obama, Bloomberg said, had let politics get in the way of doing the right thing.
And Bloomberg should know because that is exactly what Bloomberg did with MBP seven years ago, and it is exactly what he’s doing with it now.
When will they ever learn? When will...........
Cock Sucking Savages tp:// - [ 28 July 2012 ]
NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind is upset the New York City’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg threatened to ban metzitzah b’peh [MBP], the mouth-to-penis sucking done by the mohel to the the baby’s bleeding penis immediately after the circumcision cuts are made. In the US, MBP is almost exclusively limited to haredim and to non-haredim who do not realize that it will be done on their child by a haredi mohel until it is too late to stop it.
The practice is based on 2000 year old medical theory that has long since been proven false. In fact, MBP is clearly dangerous and has been banned at several points in time and in several locals during the past 250 years after being linked to outbreaks of disease.
Haredim have refused to give up the practice even though many Orthodox Jews had already done so more than 100 years ago.
New York has not banned the practice, despite public health experts desire to do so, because of strong haredi opposition, including threats to have tens of thousands of hasidim vote against any candidate who favors banning it.
Bloomberg, who gave in to haredi political pressure and threats six years ago the last time this issue was debated, but who is not running for re-election today, said on Tuesday that, “there are certain practices that doctors say are not safe and we will not permit those practices to the extent that we can stop them. You don't have a right to put any child's life in danger, and [metzitzah b’peh] clearly does."
Hikind, who is Orthodox himself, told the Daily News today that Bloomberg was out of line.
"Orthodox Judaism isn't barbaric. Who cares more about children than their own parents? There's no call for Mayor Bloomberg to speak disrespectfully to our community, to speak condescendingly about our cultural traditions.…This issue is not about soda pop. It's about religious tenets and it requires an extremely sensitive and respectful approach, not flip remarks that are insulting to an entire community."
At least three babies have died from MBP during the past 11 years. Two others were left with severe permanent brain damage, and many more were hospitalized or sickened, all from herpes transmitted from mohels through MBP.Video: Bill O'Reilly On The Goodman Child Sex Abuse Arrest -
"27-year-old Andrew Goodman raped two boys, ages 11 and 13, over a period of four years. This savage pleaded guilty to 48 felony counts of criminal sexual acts, but New York State Judge Martin Murphy sentenced the monster to just two years in prison. Murphy gave Goodman the minimum sentence, but refuses to explain why. Enter U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, who has charged Goodman with the federal crime of transporting a minor across state lines to engage in sexual activity. If convicted, Goodman could get at least ten years in a federal prison. Ms. Lynch is obviously doing this to protect children from Goodman, something Judge Murphy is unwilling to do. She is a hero and should be respected by all Americans for standing up to a gross injustice. Finally, we see a public official willing to right a grievous wrong and we want the entire country to know it. What about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo? He remains silent in the face of a judicial atrocity that has embarrassed his state…"
See the next one
Child sex abuse scandal rocks Orthodox Jewish community after 85 prisoners taken - [ 28 July 2012 ]
Child sex abuse scandal rocks Orthodox Jewish community after 85 arrested
An Orthodox Jewish community has had to face up to claims of child sex abuse after 83 men and two women were arrested.
An initiative was set up to encourage victims to come forward despite pressure from the close-knit religious society to hush up the crimes.
Some 117 male and female victims have approached authorities in Brooklyn, New York since 2006. >There were 89 accusers under the age of 17.
According to the New York Post, one suspect Andrew Goodman, 27, worked with Jewish charities involving vulnerable young people and the disabled.
He was charged with sexually abusing two Orthodox boys at his home in the Flatbush neighbourhood last September.
One child was abused between the ages of 11 and 15, the other from 13 until he was 16 years old.
Goodman reportedly filmed sex acts with the boys on a webcam after plying them with alcohol in his bedroom and making them watch child porn.
Neighbours had filmed Goodman sneaking the children into the home he shared with his parents and sister between 3am and 5.30am.
In the surveillance tape, Goodman was seen opening his front door for the boys, according to the Post.
Lubricants, empty liquor bottles, boys’ clothing and a butcher knife were discovered in the 27-year-old's room.
Goodman’s lawyer Izzy Fried told the New York Post that the alleged victims were 'troubled kids' and his client had provided them with a 'safe haven'.
He also threatened the life of one boy who reported him to authorities, it has been claimed. Goodman has pleaded not guilty.
>He is being held at Rikers Island Prison until his next hearing on December 21.
After being shown the footage in court last September, Judge Patricia DiMango set the suspected paedophile's bail at $1million.
Brooklyn District Attorney's office had been accused of being soft on child abusers which lead to steps being put in place to make it easier for suspected victims to come forward.
The plan was called Kol Tzedek which translates from Hebrew as 'voice of justice'.
DA Charles Hynes instigated the outreach programme which offers a confidential hotline and access to 'culturally sensitive' social workers from the sex crimes bureau.
Assistant DA Rhonnie Jaus, head of the child sex abuse division, said 38 individuals had been prosecuted so far with 14 abusers jailed.
Sentences varied from one month to 20 years for crimes including sex abuse, attempted kidnapping and sodomy.
However 24 alleged paedophiles were not jailed. In some instances, the case against them collapsed when victims and their families backed out of giving evidence in court following pressure from the religious community, according to the assistant DA.
Authorities have another 47 cases pending.
The Orthodox Jewish organisation Agudath Israel of America, which has its headquarters in Manhattan, rules that anyone who claims to have been sexually abused by another Jew must consult rabbis first.
Only then is the decision made whether to go to secular authorities.
Goodman worked for OHEL Children's Home and Family Services which provides care for vulnerable children and disabled adults. The non-profit group aims to help victims who have suffered domestic, sexual or emotional abuse.
Nice lot, ain't they?
Paedophile Pervert On The Loose In Brooklyn - [ 29 July 2012 ]
Stefan Colmer was in a treatment program run by Ohel for pedophiles but quit the program, and Ohel did not warn the community or tell police. Colmer abused more children, two of whom went to police. Colmer fled to Israel, was extradited, then convicted and sentenced to a 7 year prison term in 2009. Now Colmer has been conditionally released from prison after serving only 3 months more than his minimum 28 month sentence – and may be back in Ohel's treatment program.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews Face Up To Paedophile Perversion - [ 30 July 2012 ]
The uncovering of sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders in the Catholic church is mirrored within the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. As with the Catholic church, where the abuse was uncovered early on in the US, institutional child sexual abuse is starting to be prosecuted in New York. And as with the Catholic church, which has begun to change its stance on prosecuting priests, ultra-Orthodox Jewish leaders are beginning to permit the reporting to police of these crimes. As with the Catholic church, Jewish victim support groups and advocates have brought these crimes to the public's attention. The question is whether, as with the Catholic church, this is far too little far too late.A little known Jewish law called mesirah, found in the Talmud with some scriptural support, forbids a Jew from reporting another Jew to the gentile authorities. The law was in response to non-Jewish governments whose courts were staffed by antisemites. According to Jewish leaders, those courts looked for any excuse to find against a Jew. Many rabbis took a rather dim view of gentile legal processes, advocating that their courts were flawed, antisemitic and less capable than Jewish courts. Mesirah essentially allowed Jewish courts to retain control over all disputes, ensuring that religious law prevailed.
In today's society, where there are proper, transparent and just courts of law, the law of mesirah [ ]has largely been abandoned [ Believe that if you want - Editor ]. Most Jewish communities recognise the legal system of the countries where they live; saving relatively few disputes, mostly centring on religious issues such as divorce, for the Jewish courts. However, the ultra-Orthodox communities still use mesirah to prohibit any Jew being reported to the non-Jewish authorities.
As can be imagined, this is a pretty dangerous stance to take, particularly in terms of violent criminals. Perpetrators of, for example, domestic violence, child abuse, or sexual crimes, are often protected by the ultra-Orthodox communities and dealt with "in-house". They are sometimes beaten up by the self-appointed Jewish "police", and often moved to areas where there is no knowledge of their crimes.
Perpetrators of child sexual abuse within ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities have been afforded similar protection to Catholic priests. Rabbis have continued to teach, in their own or in new institutions. Yehuda Kolko allegedly had his crimes covered up by the Yeshiva Torah Temima school where he taught for over 25 years. Communities have shielded fugitives, such as Nachman Stal, who fled charges in Israel and was protected for almost a decade by the North London ultra-Orthodox community.
As with the Catholic church, silencing the victims has kept secret, at least from the wider public, ongoing abuse within ultra-Orthodox Jewish institutions. Various Jewish laws have been twisted and misused to threaten victims with divine retribution for reporting crimes. Families are told that their other children will not be given suitable matches for marriage, or won't be accepted by good schools, if the boat is rocked. Similar threats of communal ostracism were used by the Catholic church in Ireland to silence the many people who knew of abuse in Christian Brothers' institutions.
Within many closed, religious communities there is fear of communal repercussions, religious leaders, and ultimately of God. Fears are exploited to allow grave crimes to be covered up, and to continue within religious institutions. Motives of religious leaders may be hard to prove, but there are clear financial incentives as well as issues of power and control that have influenced the positions taken towards perpetrators of child sexual abuse.
There are huge financial implications for admitting abuse and permitting court cases. In the US alone, the Catholic church has paid over $2.5bn to victims. Little wonder then that ultra-Orthodox rabbis opposed New York's Markey bill which sought to extend the statute of limitations for criminal and civil cases about child sexual abuse. Now that abuse is coming to light, the financial implications could be devastating for institutions that covered up allegations and continued to employ abusers.
Similarly, leaders, seeking retain a tight grip of control over their communities, covered up scandals to avoid schisms, splits or defections. Yet these tactics have backfired. In silencing victims and protecting perpetrators, these religious communities face a crisis beyond anything they could have imagined.
As in the Catholic church, things are starting to change in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish world. Top rabbis, such as Rav Elyashiv, have come out in support of reporting abuse to the police. Indeed, they have emphasised that prosecution is necessary to keep communities safe and to protect children. Self-appointed Jewish "police" in Flatbush have now told their community to report all abuse directly to the gentile police. Clearly, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish world is learning from the recent spate of cases, the Catholic church's experience, and listening to the victims. But can it be enough to say that the institutions will change only once the scandals have broken, or is a Catholic-style crisis of faith about to hit the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community?
This one was written to order. Fingering the Catholic Church is policy in the Main Stream Media which is largely owned by Jews. That is Subversion. Covering up for Zionist crazies is part of the same agenda. Are the Jews cleaning up their act? Will they be dragged kicking and screaming out of the Stone Age? Don't hold your breath while you wait.
Cock Sucking Jews Object To Informed Consent [ 1 August 2012 ]
Last month, the Board of Health unanimously approved a circumcision consent form that requires parents to sign a waiver before their infant can undergo the "metzitzah b’peh"; ritual, the circumcision practice in which a mohel sucks the blood from a just snipped foreskin. Rabbis protested outside that meeting, claiming this decision was Bloomberg's "blood libel"—and now, they've sued the city, saying their First Amendment rights have been violated.“Not only is the Department of Health wrong about metzitzah b’peh, it is trying to enforce erroneous opinions on the people of New York City,” spokesman Hank Sheinkopf said in a statement. “By essentially starting a public intimidation campaign that forces private citizens to spread the government’s beliefs, they are shaking the core of our democracy. We believe the courts will stop this overzealous government overreach and keep them out of our speech and religion.”
The lawsuit was filed by the Central Rabbinical Congress of the USA and Canada, Agudath Israel of America, International Bris Association and three rabbis, all of whom claims the city lacks “any definitive proof” that metzitzah b’peh “poses health risks of any kind, and in the face of the millennia-long track record of safety, the regulation would require mohelim to transmit the Department’s subjective opinion that MDP ‘should not be performed.’” We assume the fact that the CDC found a total of 11 baby Jewish boys in NYC were infected with herpes in the last decade doesn't count as proof at all.
City officials expected this though—the rabbis outside the DOH meeting said the lawsuit was already in the works that day—and plan to fight the suit: "The city's highest obligation is to protect its children; therefore, it is important that parents know the risks associated with the practice," said Health Commissioner Thomas Farley.
These twerps are Third World savages but bright enough to use the benefits of civilization.
Jew Is A Paedophile Pervert. Jew Gets Off Lightly - [ 2 August 2012 ]
Monsey Hasid Pleads Guilty To Molesting Two Boys; Gets Probation, Not Jail
Shmul Dym, a 31-year-old Monsey, New York hasid, pleaded guilty earlier today to felony sexual molestation of two brothers, 7 and 9 years old. He was sentenced to 10 years probation and will be placed on the New York State Sex Offender Registry, the Journal News reported. He was charged with two felony counts of second-degree course of sexual conduct against a child and misdemeanor charges of endangering the welfare of a child. Dym could have been sentenced to 7 years in prison. Rockland County’s D.A. Thomas Zugibe told the Journal News he approved the plea agreement because the boy’s parents did not want them to have to testify in court.....Dym’s younger brother Betzalel is a registered sex offender. He was convicted six years ago of first-degree sexual abuse for having sex on five separate occasions with a 10-year-old boy.
Two paedophile perverts in the family - or is it more? Jews are good at concealing crime.
Rapist Rabbi Admits Sexually Abusing 3 Boys [ 3 August 2012 ]
Rabbi Stanley Levitt has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing three children in the 1970s, the Boston Globe reports. Levitt’s trial was about to begin when entered his guilty plea today. Levitt will be sentenced tomorrow. The abuse took place in the 1970s while Levitt was teaching at Maimonides day school in Brookline, Massachusetts. Levitt is now 66-years-old. He resides in the Philadelphia area. Levitt molested one of the victims in a Boston hospital room while he was hospitalized after an accident. The second and third victims were sexually assaulted at Levitt's Boston area home. All of the victims were in sixth grade when they were assaulted.
Another one. Do they ever stop.
Jews Like Paedophiles [ 4 August 2012 ]
A source in Melbourne writes in about the prayer habits of David Cyprys, who is indicted for the rape and child sexual abuse of 12 former students of Chabad's Yeshiva College in Melbourne:David Cyprys is davening at the Ger Shtiebel in Melbourne (many shules in Melbourne have banned Cyprys or asked him to go elsewhere, out of concerns for the safety of children etc)
Can you see the parallel with their (Ger's) attitude given […] Modrowitz?Avrohom Mondrowitz, a Gerrer hasid from a prominent Gerrer family, allegedly raped more than 100 boys in Brooklyn. He fled indictment and settled in Israel where he has lived openly for the past 26 years. He fought off two extradition attempts, and potential child porn and academic fraud charges with the help of senior Gerrer leaders, including the last three Gerrer rebbes.
One law for Jews and another for honest men.
Rapist Rabbi Admits Guilt. Other Jews Do Not Care - [ 5 August 2012 ]
According to someone who was in Boston this Shabbos, local Orthodox and haredi rabbis did not handle Rabbi Stanley Z. Levitt's presence very well.
Levitt, who as I noted above just pleaded guilty to sexually abusing three boys, went to one shul where he was told by the rabbi (after members confronted the rabbi about Levitt's presence) that he could not return.
But Levitt simply went to a nearby shul and, even though that shul's rabbi and leadership was informed of Levitt's guilty plea – a plea made just three days earlier that well publicized in the local media – they chose to allow Levitt to remain.
Here's a quiz for Orthodox and haredi synagogue rabbis and board members:
What is more important halakhicly?
1. Allowing a convicted pedophile to fulfill the mitzvah of praying with a minyan (prayer quorum) by allowing him to pray in your synagogue?
2. Protecting the children in your care by banning the pedophile from your synagogue and its grounds?
Hint: Child sexual abuse often destroys children. It can ruin their lives and it drives some to substance abuse and suicide. On the other hand, praying alone at home, while lonely, hurts no one.
I hope this quiz was not too difficult for you – although past experience tells me that for many rabbis, it probably was.
Ban Cock Suckerism Now [ 6 August 2012 ]
"The ultra-Orthodox argue that any regulation of this practice impinges on their religious freedom. In this they are correct. But religious freedom is not automatically a winning argument. It must be balanced against other state interests, among which the protection of children is paramount. As the U.S. Supreme Court said in in 1943 (Prince v. Massachusetts), 'neither the rights of religion nor the rights of parenthood are beyond limitation . . . The right to practice religion freely does not include the right to expose the community or the child to communicable disease or the latter to ill-health or death . . .' [NYC Mayor Michael] Bloomberg should begin the process of making this procedure illegal."
Ritual Circumcision: Ban Metzitzah b’peh
Dena S. Davis, J.D., Ph.D. • Hastings Center Bioethics Forum
Male newborn circumcision has been much in the news of late. In Germany, the procedure was criminalized in the Cologne Regional Court, and on August 21 the first mohel (Jewish traditional practitioner) was charged with the offense. In Denmark, the prime minister initiated an investigation into whether the procedure violates the health code. A Swedish law requires that a medical doctor or anesthesia nurse accompany registered circumcisers, and that the procedure include analgesia.
In a number of countries, medical associations are equivocal about the practice, but in the U.S., the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently gave modest approval to the procedure, as reported here, while reaffirming the importance of each family making its own decision, based on “the health benefits and risks in light of their own religious, cultural, and personal preferences . . .”
The AAP used relatively strong language to recommend against the practice of metzitzah b’peh, in which a mohel completes the procedure by taking the newly circumcised penis into his mouth, and orally suctioning out blood. The mohel repeatedly takes wine in his mouth and applies his lips to the wound, after which he spits the mixture of blood and wine into a receptacle. This was originally done to care for the wound. The Babylonian Talmud declares that, for the sake of the infant, the mohel must perform this act, “so as not to bring on risk.”
However, if the mohel has herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), as do over half the adults in the U.S., the newborn is at risk of contracting the disease. According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 11 infants in the state have contracted the virus in this manner since 2004; two suffered permanent brain damage and two died. Two New Jersey babies have also died from this practice. The department also received “multiple complaints” from parents who were not aware that direct oral suction was going to be part of their baby’s circumcision. The department has produced a brochure for hospitals to give to Jewish parents, Before the Bris, warning against the practice, and telling parents that the use of a sterile pipette appears to be safe.
Most mohels, even among the Orthodox, do use a sterile pipette, avoiding direct oral-genital contact. In 2005, the Rabbinical Council of America, the main union of modern Orthodox rabbis, issued a statement urging the abandonment of direct suction. Rabbi Moshe Tendler, a medical ethicist and dean of Yeshiva University’s (Orthodox) rabbinical school, was quoted in The Jewish Daily Forward as saying: “There is no requirement to make metzitzah b’peh. The Talmud says plainly it is not part of the ritual but belongs to the medical, post-surgical component. There is no doubt that insistence on metzitzah b’peh is wrong. I firmly believe that making metzitzah b’peh is a criminal act.”
According to the New York Times, metzitzah b’peh “remains commonplace” among the more than 250,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews in the New York area. The CDC estimates that 3,600 newborn boys a year in New York have circumcisions that include the procedure, which puts them at more than triple the normal risk of contracting HSV-1. Agudath Israel, an organization representing ultra-Orthodox Jews, has reacted with intransigence, claiming that the state health departments cannot prove that the babies were infected by mohels without a DNA comparison of the virus. The organization argues that, given the large number of babies who undergo the procedure, the small number who contract the virus proves the procedure’s safety.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has handled this issue with kid gloves, trying to work with the ultra-Orthodox community but refraining from directly confronting them by pursuing legal remedies. Sporadic attempts at investigation, e.g. by the Brooklyn district attorney, have sputtered to a halt, frustrated by lack of community cooperation. According to The Jewish Week, the mother of the baby who died last year has refused to cooperate with an investigation and has stated that should she give birth to another son, she would use the same mohel.
On June 6, the New York State Department of Health issued a statement “strongly advising” against direct oral-genital suction. On September 13, the department will vote on whether to implement a plan to require signed parental consent before the procedure is undertaken. The consent would “provide information about the risks involved, including possible infection with herpes simplex virus and its potentially serious consequences, such as brain damage and death. Knowing the risks posed by direct oral suction, a parent or legal guardian can then make an informed choice about whether it should be performed as part of the circumcision.”
It is not clear how the affected community will react. Some rabbis have noted that signing the form does not impinge on the religious ritual; others have promised civil disobedience, regarding a required consent form as the beginning of a slippery slope toward criminalization of all religious circumcision. The New York Post reported that some 200 rabbis have signed a statement alleging that the health department “printed and spread lies . . . in order to justify their evil decree. It is clear to us that there is not even an iota of blame or danger in this ancient and holy custom.” Shamefully, some local politicians have been expressing support for the intransigent position.
From both a legal and ethical perspective, informed consent is the wrong path to take here. First, parents can give permission, but not consent. As a competent adult I can consent to all sorts of dangerous and “unreasonable” activities. As a parent, however, my permission derives from the presumption that I have my children’s welfare at heart and am likely to know what is best for them. If oral suction puts infants at unreasonable risk of death, it ought explicitly to be made illegal (in fact, one could argue that it already is illegal and could be prosecuted as negligent homicide or child endangerment).
Further, calling this proposed document “informed consent,” gives a medical cast to a procedure that is anything but. In fact, ritual circumcision occupies a very strange place in American law and life, and is difficult to define. It is a religious ritual that includes a common secular medical procedure, is often performed by mohels who are also physicians, is minor surgery performed in the home, can legally be performed by anybody, and has absolutely no regulation (this in a state that regulates who may shampoo a person’s hair).
If one then adds metzitzah b’peh, one has the spectacle of a man taking into his mouth the genitals of a baby, with no legal consequence. This is extraordinary deference to the religious practice of one set of Americans. Contrast this with the federal law prohibiting a tiny nick on the genitals of a female minor, even when performed by a physician in sterile conditions (in the absence of a medical reason), and which specifically bars giving any weight to religious motivation.
The ultra-Orthodox argue that any regulation of this practice impinges on their religious freedom. In this they are correct. But religious freedom is not automatically a winning argument. It must be balanced against other state interests, among which the protection of children is paramount. As the U.S. Supreme Court said in in 1943 (Prince v. Massachusetts), “neither the rights of religion nor the rights of parenthood are beyond limitation . . . The right to practice religion freely does not include the right to expose the community or the child to communicable disease or the latter to ill-health or death . . .” Bloomberg should begin the process of making this procedure illegal.
Agudath Israel of America's Very Own Child Molester - - [ 7 August 2012 ]
In A Sukkah Is Burning, his memoir of growing up in Williamsburg just published by Mill City Press, Philip Fishman calls the Agudah leader who allegedly molested him "Glatt" to protect Glatt's family.Fishman was 11-year-old. It was Shabbos. The "middle aged" "charismatic" Agudah leader pinned him against a doorpost and used his knee to fondle Fishman's genitals.
For those who know Agudah's history and are familiar with any "charismatic" "middle aged" male leaders of Agudah who would have been active when Fishman was a child – especially leaders whith very short last names who might be lauded by haredi hagiographers and who may be a sacred totem of Agudah's hagiography – just by reading this paragraph you know who this man is.
I've only seen the one page except of the book posted below, and was waiting for a review copy before posting.
But UOJ bought the book and beat me to it yesterday.
Some things do not change.
Jew Belongs In Prison, Not In Medicine [ 8 August 2012 ]
Why Dr. Daniel Berman Belongs In Prison, Not In Medicine The lone infectious disease shill for haredi rabbis makes the case for metzitzah b'peh – by lying. Dr. Daniel Berman, who is himself haredi, is an infectious disease specialist – the only infectious disease specialist to back metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the mouth-to-bleeding-genitals sucking done my mohels immediately after removing babies' foreskins.
Another Jew, another liar. Business as normal.
Cock Sucking Jews Make It Into Main Stream Media - - [ 11 August 2012 ]
Brit milah, the ancient Jewish ritual of circumcision, has been making headlines worldwide recently: A German court declared it illegal, prompting the German government to promise legislation permitting it again; some Swiss hospitals announced they would no longer perform it; and legislation to restrict it was proposed in Denmark. Now, even Israel is entering the fray: The Israel Pediatric Association has...
Pay Haaretz money to read the rest if you will. There is no mention of the Failed Messiah's work in exposing their filthy habits.
Jews Carry On Molesting Children. Jews Pervert The Course Of Justice - [ 12 August 2012 ]
New Child Sexual Abuse At A Bobover Camp Shows How Things Have – And Have Not – Changed For Haredim With Regard To Reporting Abuse
Shmarya Rosenberg •
At about 4:00 am Wednesday morning, someone – allegedly a driver working for Golden Taste – entered Camp Shalva, a boys overnight camp run by the “48th Street” Bobover faction. He entered at least one bunk and allegedly sexually molested several children.
When “the whole bunk woke up” a bit later, a source in the community told me, “rumors started” and the bunk’s “counselor immediately went to his supervisor” to report the alleged sexual abuse. The supervisor “called the Vaad,” the Bobover rabbis who run the camp’s administration. “The Menahal,” the director of the camp, “then spoke to the kids.” The camp had security cameras in place that take video of the hallways in the bunks.
Rather than call police, the camp director chose to look at that video first. He and other administration members watched the recording. But, the recording was “grainy,” the source told me, “and it was dark and they couldn't first make out who it was [walking in the hall].” “It took hours” for the director and the Vaad to determine that the person they saw was the Golden Taste driver, the source claims. Hours had passed and no police report had yet been made............Indeed, the camp administrator allegedly destroyed or hid the footage of the "driver" entering children's rooms. It was, another source tells me, recovered digitally by the security company. After calling Golden Taste, camp officials “called the Bobover Dayan, Rabbi Tauber," the source told me, "who directed them to immediately call the authorities.” But camp officials did not do that.
Instead, rather than calling 9-1-1, they decided to call “their attorney to ask him where to go and whom to call. By the time this all transpired it was late afternoon," the source said. "He said he'd get back to them in the morning. He called back [Thursday] and said to go to state.” But the camp still did not call police........
Sources close to the case believe the that the camp did not actually decide to report until it was tipped off that State Police had already been told about the incident.
If the perpetrator was a Jew it seems reasonable to believe that they stalled as a way of letting him escape justice.
Rabbi Lies About Cock Sucking - - [ 13 August 2012 ]
First, Belsky's lies and outright, unmitigated gall: In an interview in this week’s Ami Magazine, Rav Yisrael Belsky, rosh yeshivah of Torah Vodaas had sharp words for the opponents of metzitzah b’peh, including Dr. Tom Frieden, formerly health commissioner of New York City and now head of the Centers for Disease Control.
““Where do these people come in and tell mohalim what to do? They don’t have any understanding of this field. I spoke to Dr. Tom Frieden, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and went through the statistics. The statistics don’t show that there is any problem. But he doesn’t understand this............Yisroel Belsky spent months in intensive care in a Brooklyn hospital, hovering near death. His life was saved by doctors who relied on the same science Belsky now dismisses.
That hospitalization only ended a a couple months ago, and one could question Belsky's mental competence. After all, elderly people who become seriously ill often lose a significant amount of mental function........
But the truth is that Belsky doesn't need to have dementia-like symptoms to behave this way. Much of his career during the past decade or two has been filled with bad behavior, from allegedly ordering the kidnapping and beating of a man who refused to give his wife a get (something halakhicly correct when Jewish religious courts, known as beit dins, had legal bailiff powers granted by the state, but not now when they don't), allegedly obstructing justice in at least one child sexual abuse investigation and inciting violence against the victim and his family, and a slew of other behaviors that also should have long ago landed him in prison or driven him from public Jewish life.
Belsky is a thug.
Fools living in a time warp do this. We don't need Third World savages like this.
PS Haredi Circumcision Ritual Metzitzah B' Peh Kills BoyRabid Rabbis Order Jews To Break The Law - [ 14 August 2012 ]
Hundreds Of Haredi Rabbis Order Jews To Violate Proposed Circumcision Law
"We are decreeing that according to our opinion, it is forbidden according to the Torah to participate in the evil plans of the NYC Health Dept. [requiring that parents sign an informed consent document before allowing metzitzah b'peh, the direct mouth-to-penis sucking of the bleeding circumcision wound by mohels] in any form that it may be whether it be the Moihilim, or the parents – with agreements or signatures."
Cock suckers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose except your sons' illness or deaths.
Cock Suckers Are Dangerous Even Without Symptoms [ 15 August 2012 ]
Just in case your haredi rabbi says there is no evidence that herpes can be transmitted by metzitzah b'peh (MBP) – the direct oral-to-genital sucking done by many haredi mohels to the baby's bleeding penis after removing its foreskin – even though babies have died and been maimed by herpes infections transmitted through MBP, or if he says that a mohel who has no outward signs of herpes can safely do MBP, you can cite this study, which shows both claims of your rabbi to be false:Abstract: Asymptomatic Shedding of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) in the Oral Cavity
Howard E. Strassler, DMD
Jan. 27, 2009
Inside Dentistry
Miller CS, Danaher RT. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008;105(1):43-50.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of herpes simplex virus (HSV) shedding from the oral cavity, because recent studies suggest that shedding is more frequent than originally reported. Factors that could influence the rate and duration of shedding from the oral cavity were examined.
Methods: Existing epidemiologic data from 22 reports of HSV shedding from more than 3,500 individuals were analyzed with regard to demographics, frequency of sampling, and methodologic assays.
Results: HSV-1 was more likely to be detected than HSV-2 in the oral cavity of asymptomatic persons (7.5 odds ratio, 95% confidence interval 4.4–12.8; P < .0001). The rate of shedding was highly variable among individuals, ranging from none to 92% of the days tested, and occurred in seropositive and seronegative individuals. In cell culture studies, the rate of detection on a single day was 6.3%. Polymerase chain reaction studies provided a different picture. HSV-1 DNA was present in 97 of 180 patients (53.9%) at multiple visits, with a rate of daily detection of 33.3%. The mean duration of shedding was between 1 and 3 days, but more than 3 days in about 10% of the patients.
Conclusion: At least 70% of the population shed HSV-1 asymptomatically at least once a month, and many individuals appear to shed HSV-1 more than six times a month. Shedding HSV-1 is present at many intraoral sites, for brief periods, at copy numbers sufficient to be transmitted, and even in seronegative individuals. The dental implications of these findings are discussed.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a significant human pathogen infecting most individuals early in life, predominantly at mucosal surfaces after exposure to infected secretions. It has been implicated in a range of diseases including labials and stomatitis, blinding keratitis, and, rarely, encephalitis. According to the data, more than 70% of adults have neutralizing antibodies and serve as reservoirs of the virus. The authors have done an excellent systematic review of the rate of shedding of HSV from the oral cavity. Asymptomatic shedding is generally defined as the presence of HSV in the absence of clinical lesions. Based on this review, the frequency of HSV shedding at virus numbers sufficient to be transmitted are significantly higher than most clinicians would suspect. These high frequencies of asymptomatic shedding suggest that HSV-1 is not as dormant during latency as previously believed. This translates to the fact that even without clinical lesions, the dentist, dental hygienist, and chairside assistant are at risk. This data emphasize the importance of being diligent in maintaining proper infection control procedures (eye protection, gloves, mask) when performing routine dental examinations and procedures. All efforts should be taken to minimize splashes and splatters of oral fluids even in the absence of HSV oral lesions. Also, medical conditions, eg, immunosuppression and traumatic oral surgical procedures, increase the likelihood of virus shedding in the oral cavity.
Howard E. Strassler, DMD
Professor and Director of Operative Dentistry
Department of Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Operative Dentistry
University of Maryland Dental School
Baltimore, Maryland D
It is all obvious enough.Jews Incite Cock Sucking - [28 August 2012 ]
Chabad Rabbis Endorse Dangerous Penis Sucking Ritual, Tell Chabad To Convince Other Jews To Have It Done To Their Babies
"…[M]any doctors and scientists who debunked all the negative hype caused by pseudo-doctors relying on outdated medical assumptions, who chose to ban before researching it........... [ more rabid rabbis' lies follow - Ed. ]The US Centers for Disease Control recognizes that the risk of a baby getting Herpes is 3.4 times greater for babies who have metzitzah b'peh (MBP), the direct oral-to-genital-suction done by haredi mohels to the bleeding penises of the babies they have just circumcised, than those who do not have MBP done.
MBP has killed babies. It has left babies with severe brain damage. It has infected babies who then required long hospitalizations. It is suspected to cause lower grade infections that may cause milder brain damage and learning disabilities. Once infected with Herpes a person is always a carrier and can – and will – transmit the illness to others through saliva, kissing and in other ways.
But in a letter distributed to Chabad followers in Crown Heights and beyond, the Crown Heights Beis Din (religious court) rules that MBP is not only mandatory to do – a contention that is not backed by what was, until recently, normative Jewish law – but that MBP is healthy for the baby.
Rabid rabbis have not made it into the 11th Century let alone the 21st. Presumably they do know that science exists, just like cars, computers, white man's magic. These bigoted fools are more primitive than the average American Indian.
Two More Babies Get Herpes From Haredi Circumcision Penis ... - do they care about their own?Three Jews Busted For Laundering Millions Of Dollars Of Drug Money - [ 29 August 2012 ]
Three Brooklyn Hasidim Busted For Laundering Millions Of Dollars Of Drug Money Three Brooklyn hasidim – Samuel Ashkenazi, 43; Samuel “Benzi” Goldberger, 34; and Samuel Blau, 50 – were arrested Wednesday for allegedly laundering “millions of dollars for an international drug ring that operates in Israel, England and the US.” Three Brooklyn Hasidim Busted For Laundering Millions Of Dollars Of Drug Money
Three Brooklyn hasidim – Samuel Ashkenazi, 43; Samuel “Benzi” Goldberger, 34; and Samuel Blau, 50 – were arrested Wednesday for allegedly laundering “millions of dollars for an international drug ring that operates in Israel, England and the US,” the New York Post reported.
Under the orders of the Israeli gang leaders, the three hasids allegedly collected drug money in New York, Boston and Hartford, and laundered it through The Money Spot, a check-cashing business in Brooklyn owned by Goldberger.
Ashkenazi allegedly was the group’s courier, picking up millions in cash and bringing it to The Money Spot to be counted and distributed.
Blau is accused of arranging at least one cash pickup in excess of $300,000.
More Jews, more criminals, not much publicity. That is why Jews bought the main stream media.
DPaedophobic Jew Gets 40 Years For Murdering And Butchering Boy - [ 30 August 2012 ]
Levi Aron, who pleaded guilty last month to the murder of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky, was sentenced to 40- years-to-life in prison today.
Aron might not be very popular in jail. It happens with nonces. Honest criminals have standards.
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