Islam is a Religion Of Peace we are told sometimes and we
should tolerate their funny little ways when they move in near us. The truth is
rather different.
The Religion Of Peace has more on them.
Hoax Slayer
at alleges that these
photos are genuine and that various Islamics claimed that they did not approve.
It even names one of the perpetrators, Anjem
Choudary who was, naturally enough allowed to get away with it but Hoax
Slayer ignores that little point.
PS look at the
offering, its
List of Islamist terrorist attacks and wonder who is being lied to.
The Quranic Arabic Corpus gives multiple translations from Arabic into English
Koran Verse 2:191
Sahih International: And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- îaram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.Koran Verse 9:123
Sahih International: O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
The Official Lie - Mark Steyn Explains The Multiculti Delusion
Mark Steyn offers an objective analysis of the official lie forwarded by the Obama Administration with the help of [ the Jew ] Mark Zuckerberg and others.
Obama, an Islamic, an enemy of America and an illegal president using a Forged Birth Certificate to boot. He is far from being the only liar. American media are perverting the truth.
Cameron Says 'Islam is a Religion of Peace'
Cameron lies. Cameron says he is going to carry on killing ISIS wallahs. Cameron is a murderous rogue.
The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
The myth is a lie, a propaganda lie perpetrated by politicians as an excuse for flooding England with Third World aliens.
Islamic Radicals Are A Tiny Minority Alleges Jimmy Carter
Jim is one of Lenin's Useful Idiots albeit well meaning.
UK police told to go easy on Islamic extremists
Central London UK ~ The British police according to the Express have been told to go easy on these radical types. Yet people like Geert Wilders - critical of just this type of Islam and stealth Islamization - are being treated like criminals. Ole' Wilders might get upset - but he's not going to blow anything up! However the way it works out - inadvertently or otherwise - is that only radical Muslims are allowed the luxury of free speech ~ supposedly in a free country.
How about - a dose of reality - stop the marriages between Pakistan and the UK or set serious limits on them. Tighten the screws! They'll be free alright - to either assimilate or go quietly and leave everyone else alone.Snopes, a Jew claims these pictures are genuine. He goes along with police excuses for letting them get away with it. I.e. cowardice in the face of the enemy.
Police ignore murder threats when foreign undesirables make them. That is policy. It is also crime. That will be why they are wearing masks and hiding their numbers.
Muslim ‘Lord’ threatens Parliament, Islamification of UK Police is the source
Hoax Slayer On Islamic Murder Threats
Email claims that a series of attached photographs depict a protest in London at which Muslim demonstrators displayed placards with violent and inflammatory slogans.
Brief Analysis
The photographs are genuine. The rally shown in the images took place in London on February 3, 2006 when some in the Muslim community gathered to protest against the publication of cartoons in the Danish press that were considered to be insulting to the Prophet Muhammad. Several protesters were later arrested. The protest was strongly condemned by some Muslim leaders [ and praised by others? - Editor ] .
There are eager liars out there. What happened to the perpetrators? A slap on the wrist? More?
Website for this image
The Brain of Britain? The brain of anywhere else? Got a brain? I think not.
There are even Englishmen who are fool enough to swallow this drivel.
Lots of people would agree with him. They have reasons, good reasons.
He is 'British' when it comes to his rights. After that all bets are off.
Start them young is way of it.
Islamic Thug Gets £50 Fine & £800 A Month In Dole
Police Pander To Islamics Thugs
The Religion Of Peace?
True or false? It sounds about right to me.
Islam - Religion of Peace
Various liars tell us that. Various liars have agendas. Our well being is not on them. Scroll down to find a list of their attacks in the last six months.
Losers’ Vengeance
Gambling produces losers. We all know that. They can get irritated and do something about it. Islamics in the Punjab made fraudulent claims and rioted to show how it is done.
Moderate Islam in Nigeria - Murder, Riots, Kidnapping, Arson
Teacher tells child to stop reading the Koran in class and off we go. Children attack her. It escalates but only twenty Christians got killed.
Moderate Islam in Saudi Arabia: Barbarism, pure and simple
Islam in Saudi is the Wahabi version, the vicious one, the sort that got men to fly aircraft into the Twin Towers on 9/11. Saudis export oil, Wahabism and guns. They have a nonchalant view of women's rights too.QUOTE
Serious human rights violations continued. Women continued to face severe discrimination, and suspected political or religious activists continued to suffer arbitrary arrest and detention or punishment under secretive criminal judicial procedures which deny the most basic rights, such as the right to be defended by a lawyer. At least 123 people were executed and there was an alarming increase in the number of amputations. One person reportedly had his eye surgically removed as judicial punishment. Torture and ill-treatment continued to be reported. The government continued to enforce a ban on political parties and trade unions and to impose restrictions on access to the country by non-governmental human rights organizations.
Sex Slave Jihad
The head of Iran’s Interpol bureau believes that the sex slave trade is one of the most profitable activities in Iran today. This criminal trade is not conducted outside the knowledge and participation of the ruling fundamentalists. Government officials themselves are involved in buying, selling, and sexually abusing women and girls.
It all sounds quite Islamic to me. Be aware that the originator of this article is part of the feminism racket and presumably the usual self righteous, subversive harridan that follows Antonio Gramsci, the chief theoretician of the communist party in order to destroy civilization and Christendom.
Islamic Tried To Behead British Soldier [ 10 February 2015 ]
A teenage Islamist fanatic who idolised the Lee Rigby killers was caught in the street with a hammer and knife on his way to behead a British soldier, a court heard.Brustholm Ziamani, 19, was stopped and found with the weapons wrapped inside an Islamic flag and had researched a series of military bases around London........
After his arrest he told a security officer at a police station that he had been on his way to “kill a British soldier at an army barracks,” prosecutor Annabel Darlow said.
This twerp, a third generation import presumably is the sort being used by Cameron and other corrupt politicians to destroy England by Ethnic Fouling In England, to be followed by Genocide.
Muslim Illegal Immigrants Threw Christians Overboard [ 19 April 2015 ]
Italy's migration crisis took on a deadly new twist Thursday as police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants had thrown 12 Christians overboard during a recent crossing from Libya, and an aid group said another 41 were feared drowned in a separate incident.
Cameron Claims Islam Is A Religion Of Peace but then Cameron is a liar. Illegal Immigrants have taken the point, more or less that they are victims of the Marxist subversives who told them that Decolonisation was going make Africa better.
Crypto-Jew Incites Islamic Terrorism [ 14 September 2015 ]
I awoke this morning to a great blessing. The news that yet another 'Islamic' terrorist, "Australi Witness," showcased by the Judaic terror-monger Rita Katz is a really a crypto-Judaic kid, Joshua Ryne Goldberg operating out of his family home. The FBI criminal complaint dated 9/10/15 against this crypto-Judaic terrorist Joshua Goldberg is HERE.
The Judaic terror merchant, self-proclaimed 'terror expert' of exceedingly questionable background, motives and claims, Rita Katz HERE has described Joshua Goldberg as operating from a "prestige" position in online jihadi circles who was, "part of the hard core of a group of individuals who constantly look for targets for other people to attack" HERE. Does anyone recall how Rita Katz showcased that other crypto-Judaic 'Islamic terrorist' Adam Perlman HERE who also operated from a prestige position, as a grandson of an ADL board member from California?
Jews use Terrorism as a working tool. Jews carry out False Flag Operations e.g. by pretending to Islamics. Another one gets caught. Will the Main Stream Media do saturation coverage? No, because he is a Jew.
Islamic Terrorist Killed By Police In Berlin [ 18 September 2015 ]
This is good news for a change. One less criminals to deal with. it leaves millions more with thousands pouring in every day. Merkel wants them. Merkel is inciting them - see e.g. Merkel Betraying Germany And Civilization. Merkel is not the solution; she is the problem. It is the same for England; betrayed by Cameron using our compassion as Pathological Altruism as a weapon against us.
Third World Hostile Attacks Three Women In France [ 21 July 2016 ]
Another Islamic, another Racist & in all probability anther dole parasite. What do the Main Stream Media have to say? As little as possible. It is just another example of the reality envisaged by Jean Raspail, a rather sound sort of chap in his book, The Camp of the Saints about Third World immigrants flooding civilization.
Manhattan Bomb Injures 29 [ 19 September 2016 ]
It happened; that seems clear. Who did it and why? Pass. Given that America is full of Illegal Immigrants, foreigners with grudges etc. it could have been anyone. The Main Stream Media are in the business of inciting Black Hate, using Black Lives Matter et al. Then there is the general purpose Lunatic Fringe. It makes life more interesting.
Policewoman Who Killed Four Islamic Terrorists Was A Man [ 21 August 2017 ]
And he served with the Spanish Legion. The early report, Policewoman Gets Four Kills was wrong.
Enemy Alien Refuses To Recant & Stays In Prison [
29 July 2021 ]
Manchester Arena bomb plotter Hashem Abedi is refusing to co-operate with a
prison deradicalisation programme while serving 55 years for helping his
brother kill 22 concertgoers.
Abedi is one of five inmates in a separation centre at maximum security HMP Frankland in County Durham and he along with three others have turned down the opportunity to change their ways, reports ITV News. The Ministry of Justice granted the broadcaster access to HMP Frankland and HMP Full Sutton in East Yorkshire to provide insight into how they attempt to deal with, house, categorise and deradicalise prisoners convicted of offences under the Terrorism Act.
Abedi, 23, is separated from the other
prisoners amid concerns he could radicalise fellow inmates.
Another second(?) generation Third World,
hate driven alien imported by Her
Majesty's Government with malice aforethought and the whole hearted
approval of Her
Allegedly Most Loyal Opposition. Holy war,
Jihad is advocated by Islamics,
by religious fanatics, them imported by Traitors like
Boris Johnson & Priti Patel.
Recall that
Muhammad was a Paedophile. Is this why our
wonderful government allows Pakistani
Perverts to Rape English girls in
Rotherham and other sad little northern towns?