What is the rioting all about? See what Paul Roberts, a distinguished economist who was in American politics has to say about Ukrainians Dispossessed - Americans Are Next. Is it really that corrupt, that cynical? Yes! Ukrainians do not like Russians, not after dear old Uncle Joe starved millions of them to death.
The photographers did well. They could have joined the casualties in hospital or morgue. The cobbles are useful for rioters. More action at Kiev IV. The Maidan is where it all happens.
Dead being logged.
The fog of war.
Prisoners, casualties, dead or a mixture.
Not a happy chappie.
The Maidan on a quiet day.
Shield wall is a Roman approach. They know their history or they learn fast.
She looks nice. Their blood is fresh.
The filth didn't get it all their own way. Head wounds imply that cobble
stones are effective.
One irate cripple.
More fresh blood.
Is that a bludgeon he is holding?
Could this be
White Phosphorus, the Devil's mixture that Jews used on people in
Gaza Massacre?