Resistance Is Not Futile!

From Resistance Is NOT Futile 
Sunday, 03 October 2010 11:29
by Peter Mills MA. PhD

Recent governments have passed laws making it an offence to speak publicly of the greater majority of policies which are required by British Nationalists. It is now actually against the law to include these policies in any Nationalist political manifesto. The BNP found this out to its cost in the court action which declared previous BNP membership criteria (basically, native white Indigenous Britons only) to be 'illegal', compelling the BNP to accept anti-British members. It is also now illegal to publicly campaign for the repatriation of immigrants, thereby depriving Nationalism of the right to have this very necessary measure as a major platform of their policies.

Governments (whether Labour or Tory/LibDem) are now employing unelected quangos - such as the Equalities and Human Rights Commission - to be their instruments in a policy of deliberately nit-picking legal actions against organised Nationalism.

Additionally, we are now dictatorially compelled (without any referendum) to be subject to European laws, and European quangos, such as the European Court of Human Rights, under which most of the major policies Nationalists wish to see adopted are deemed illegal.

These considerations have one unavoidable and very tragic meaning. They mean that all the major changes Nationalists in Britain wish to advocate are now outlawed by the State. Furthermore, they are not only outlawed as political policies, they are outlawed even as subjects for public debate.

British Nationalist idealism is being ruthlessly and methodically killed off by the undemocratic draconian legal regulations imposed on our society by a continuing ruling power which espouses multiculturalism and every social plague connected with it.

An inevitable result of this situation is that no Nationalist party - whether the BNP or any other - may, due to edict, any longer publicly advocate or support the fully required Nationalist political agenda. Nor may it include any of these major issues in its manifesto. In effect, government policy is neutering Indigenous British Nationalism by forcing it to water-down the Nationalist objectives to such a degree that any Nationalist party, if it wishes to avoid being taken to the cleaners by government lackeys, must simply become a political clone of the multicultural parties, existing and campaigning without ever disagreeing in public with the idolization of multiculturalism and everything connected with it!

Many good people, under this corrupt and largely unelected State suppression of native British human rights, have understood the urgent moral need for an effective resistance movement which can present genuine opposition to our unopposed government, harry their dictatorial activities, challenge by action all laws which defy our native British human rights, and generally act as a pioneering spearhead for replacing our Euro-slave politicians with an eventual Nationalist government.

There are even some well-meant websites and blogs professing to represent such a British resistance movement and claiming the title. However, the most conspicuous thing about any such British Resistance Movement at present is its lack of impact. Perhaps this is because there are too few folk in this comfortable land who are prepared to stand forward as martyrs to the cause, for if organised resistance really begins to pose a threat to our dictators, they will certainly come down hard on those resistance members deemed responsible, and the Underground freedom-fighters will need an organised defence.

I believe it is therefore inspiring, and also frighteningly appropriate, to briefly look at resistance movements in the world and relate their particular circumstances to ours.

By definition, a resistance group is dedicated to fighting invaders of their country, or else an authoritarian government that denies human rights to a component of the population, especially when democratic political opposition parties are outlawed.

This criterion applies, for example, to current resistance groups in Palestine, Cuba, Colombia, Iran (the Kurds) and elsewhere, and applied to all the historical resistance groups in France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Burma, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Yugoslavia, the Ukraine and other occupied lands during World War 2.

Let us, then, examine the present position of the native white British people and see whether we have any similar grievances to those of the world's notable resistance groups. There are ten reasonable major conditions which, when inflicted upon a region's indigenous native population, serve to morally justify the organising of an underground defiance to a ruling authority.

(1) Is our native land being invaded and occupied by foreign settlers who are supplanting the native population? Unquestionably it is.

(2) Are we legally recognised as an indigenous native population of our own lands? Unquestionably we are not.

(3) Are we suffering from suppression of our human rights as a native people? Unquestionably we are.

(4) Are we being prohibited from properly representing ourselves in a peaceful and democratic political body dedicated to voicing our native needs and grievances within the governing legislative body? Unquestionably we are.

(5) Are we being politically suppressed and having our legitimate native interests deliberately interfered with and damaged by non-democratic and non-elected government agencies? Unquestionably we are.

(6) Is our own native population being swamped by imposed political propaganda intended to divide that population from itself and subvert members of it to support its suppressors instead of supporting those who champion its native rights? Unquestionably yes.

(7) Is the substantive historical and social native culture of our people being damaged and corrupted to a point beyond repair by the enforced dominance of preferential invading alien cultural and historical values? Unquestionably it is.

(8) Are we prohibited from forming peaceful organised bodies to politically represent our native people and their interests in the national legislative body, which specifically exclude any non-native members in order to prevent the threat of fifth-column counter-cultural political subversion and interference within its own dedicated membership? Unquestionably we are.

(9) Is our full traditional indigenous cultural spectrum, including any native religious observances, under recognisable or implied threat of being replaced or over-written by incoming alien culture and religious stricture? Unquestionably it is.

(10) Is there any evidence of differential treatment by the administration which tends to favour the specific or general interests and socio-political advancement of foreign cultural intruders preferentially to the identical interests of the resident native population? Unquestionably there is.

These questions highlight an appalling and immoral betrayal by our perfidious ruling powers regarding the complete spectrum of human rights, right of political self-representation in the governing body, right of freedom of unconditional native association, right of cultural self-expression and right of the safeguard of proper legal recognition, in respect of the indigenous white native population of Britain.

Under such blatant forceful suppression, we not only have every moral right to form an organised resistance, we could also be said to have the undeniable duty to do so.


Having read that, look at the American Declaration of Independence then consider whether it applies to England. Does Her Majesty's Government have the consent of the governed? Does it treat it with contempt? Is it carrying out Ethnic Fouling In England in order to achieve Genocide? Do we have the Right Of Revolution?