Bill Gates was the right man, in the right place at the right time. He was writing programmes before most of us had heard of computers. Given brains, commitment, unmitigated greed and cunning meant getting ahead before 99% of us had even started. He is now the world's richest man and even has his own special outfit to spend his money for him. Meanwhile Microsoft still goes on screwing the public. You doubt it? See Microsoft's Software Is Malware and know.
Windows 10 Is A Spy Tool
It is that simple, that straightforward, that dangerous. The USSR spied on the their people the hard way, by using informers. Now Western governments do it the easy way, by commandeering the Internet. They lean on Google et al. Getting access to all data means knowing all too much. Gates complies, Gates keeps quiet about the whole thing, Gates gets to be the world's richest man. You doubt that it can be that bad? See the next one.
The NSA is Commandeering the Internet
In fact it already has but that is to split hairs. Data protection laws are totally irrelevant; they obstruct us but Big Brother knows all. He makes the rules, he breaks the rules.
Microsoft's Lost Decade
Vanity Fair says that the Jew, Ballmer has made a pig's ear of selling shoddy goods at excessive prices.
Once upon a time, Microsoft dominated the tech industry; indeed, it was the wealthiest corporation in the world. But since 2000, as Apple, Google, and Facebook whizzed by, it has fallen flat in every arena it entered: e-books, music, search, social networking, etc., etc. Talking to former and current Microsoft executives, Kurt Eichenwald finds the fingers pointing at C.E.O. Steve Ballmer, Bill Gates’s successor, as the man who led them astray.
Vanity Fair says these things at length. This is not to say it is wrong. Saying that Ballmer looked like an NKVD wallah sounds right to me.
A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection
Vista is an attack on you and me. An attempt to screw us out of our hard earned money.
Microsoft Versus The Customer
We are the enemy. Microsoft are the thieves, bandits, blood suckers. Selling shoddy goods for the maximum price is the name of the game.
Microsoft Vista
Vista is part of the game plan. Robbing us is the objective. Locking us in to Gates' rubbish is the means to the end. Linux is the answer; it was written by people for people, not Bill Gates.
The Myth of Microsoft Security
Do Microsoft care about security? Not once they have our money. The NSA_KEY story is a red herring. You don't have to believe that they collude with the NSA, CIA and other TLAs [ three letter abbreviations ] but you should.
Bill Gates
Founded Microsoft with Paul Allen.
Paul Allen
Is the co-founder of Microsoft.
Steve Ballmer
Is the Jew who runs Microsoft now that Gates has decided to pursue other interests. His greed is like Gates', insane and unlimited. It puts him in the same league as the Jew, Berezovsky who is on the run from major fraud raps. He also manages to look utterly absurd in a video which is at Ballmer Dance Monkey Boy
Is a Linux variant and rival of Microsoft.
Microsoft Windows Is Rubbish Says London Stock Exchange
[ 5 July 2009 ]
Anyone who was ever fool enough to believe
that Microsoft software was good enough to be used for a mission-critical
operation had their face slapped this September when the
LSE (London Stock Exchange)'s Windows-based TradElect system brought the
market to a standstill for almost an entire day. While the
LSE denied that the collapse was TradElect's fault, they also refused to
explain what the problem really was. Sources at the LSE tell me to this day
that the problem was with TradElect............
It's not often that you see a major
company dump its infrastructure software the way the LSE is about to do.
But, then, it's not often you see enterprise software fail quite so badly
and publicly as was the case with the LSE.
Microsoft abuses its monopoly to sell third
rate programmes at grossly inflated prices.
Microsoft Vista Is Rubbish Says Ballmer [ 4 October 2009 ]
Microsoft's reputation has never recovered from the launch of Vista, Steve Ballmer, chief executive, said as the company gears up for the release of its latest incarnation of Windows. Microsoft continues on the acquisition trail and is likely to buy around 15 companies this year, in line with previous years, said Mr Ballmer......... The company's reputation took a beating after the release of Vista, which caused machines to stall indefinitely while deleting, copying and moving files, among many other issues.
Ballmer was not quite so direct but that is the strength of it. For the seriously in depth analysis by a genuine expert go to A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection. Vista was designed to screw the punter and achieve the impossible. See Ballmer at Ballmer Dance Monkey Boy and wonder why he is not locked up.
Windows XP Is Finishing - Time To Move To Linux [ 7 April 2014 ]
Microsoft is all about abusing a monopoly to sell shoddy software. Linux is a freebie written by nerds for the fun of it. It is used by the Red Army, Brazil, Munich, Kerala, Portugal and others.
Microsoft's Software Is Malware
That is what Gnu says; it is right. The problem is not incompetence, it is greed, a determination to screw the user. This is just a sample of their comprehensive, wide ranging evil.Microsoft Back Doors
Microsoft Windows has a universal back door through which any change whatsoever can be imposed on the users.
This was reported in 2007 for XP and Vista, and it seems that Microsoft used the same method to push the Windows 10 downgrade to computers running Windows 7 and 8.
In Windows 10, the universal back door is no longer hidden; all “upgrades” will be forcibly and immediately imposed.
Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption.
The German government veers away from Windows 8 computers with TPM 2.0, due to potential back door capabilities of the TPM 2.0 chip.
Here is a suspicion that we can't prove, but is worth thinking about: Writable microcode for Intel and AMD microprocessors may be a vehicle for the NSA to invade computers, with the help of Microsoft, say respected security experts.
Windows 8 also has a back door for remotely deleting apps.
You might well decide to let a security service that you trust remotely deactivate programs that it considers malicious. But there is no excuse for deleting the programs, and you should have the right to decide whom (if anyone) to trust in this way.
Microsoft Policy Is Anti-White Racism [ 27 April 2019 ]
Some Microsoft employees are openly questioning whether diversity is important, in a lengthy discussion on an internal online messaging board meant for communicating with CEO Satya Nadella.Two posts on the board criticizing Microsoft diversity initiatives as “discriminatory hiring” and suggesting that women are less suited for engineering roles have elicited more than 800 comments, both affirming and criticizing the viewpoints, multiple Microsoft employees have told Quartz. The posts were written by a female Microsoft program manager. Quartz reached out to her directly for comment, and isn’t making her name public at this point, pending her response.
“Does Microsoft have any plans to end the current policy that financially incentivizes discriminatory hiring practices? To be clear, I am referring to the fact that senior leadership is awarded more money if they discriminate against Asians and white men,” read the original post by the Microsoft program manager on Yammer, a corporate messaging platform owned by Microsoft. The employee commented consistently throughout the thread, making similar arguments. Quartz reviewed lengthy sections of the internal discussion provided by Microsoft employees.
“I have an ever-increasing file of white male Microsoft employees who have faced outright and overt discrimination because they had the misfortune of being born both white and male. This is unacceptable,” the program manager wrote in a comment later. The Microsoft employees who spoke to Quartz said they weren’t aware of any action by the company in response, despite the comments being reported to Microsoft’s human resources department.
They pay managers to give blacks preference. Recent incarnations of Windows 10 are rubbish. Cause and effect?
Bill Gates' Wife Walks [ 4 May 2021 ]
Marry the works' typist without a Prenup and see where it gets you. He will not be the world's richest or anything like - down to his last several billion. Things are tough all over.
PS He still hasn't found a cure for dandruff.
Bill Gates Versus Humanity [ 5 May 2021 ]
Is Bill really trying to wipe out most of humanity, using the Great Reset to cause the Great Replacement, to sort out over population? Is he really that evil/sensible/caring/principled? Pass but Covid-19 is a situation forced on to the world. Never let a problem go to waste. It is an opportunity to things that would be impossible otherwise. We can take it that Melinda Gates knows the man. So She Walks Away Rich.
Microsoft Fined €60 Million For Advertising Abuses [ 25 December 2022 ]
US tech giant Microsoft, one of the world’s leading software producers, has been ordered to pay €60 million ($64 million) after the French authorities found it guilty of breaching local regulations. The country’s privacy watchdog said it had imposed the fine – so far, the largest this year – over the company’s unscrupulous use of ad cookiesCookies are small files of information that a web server generates and sends to a web browser when a user visits a website. They are typically used to personalize the user experience, but also for advertising purposes. In a statement released on Thursday, France’s National Commission for Technology and Freedoms (CNIL) stated that Microsoft’s search engine, Bing, did not allow users to opt out of cookies easily enough.
Investigations by French officials concluded that “when users visited this site, cookies were deposited on their terminal without their consent.” The watchdog said that “these cookies were used, among others, for advertising purposes.” ..............
The watchdog explained that Microsoft ended up receiving a share of third-party advertising profits which, in turn, accrued thanks to the data collected via cookies.
The US tech giant now has three months to bring its services in line with French regulations. Should it fail to do so in time, it will face an additional penalty of €60,000 for each day overdue.
Last year, the CNIL slapped Google and Facebook with fines of €150 million and €60 million respectively over similar breaches................
Over the past decade, Microsoft has found itself at the center of multiple investigations in the EU, with the authorities imposing fines totaling €2.2 billion.
This is about heavyweight malpractice, fraud, manipulation and Yes, they are all at it.
Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 19/01/2023 10:02