Pius helped Jews during Second World War when Adolf was getting a grip of them. Pius saved their lives. Were they grateful? Not a chance. They lie about him. They use malicious libels. They are misbegotten spawn of the Devil, full of hate. Was Adolf wrong about them? It is easy to think he understood them far better than they like.
See #Jews Attack Pope Pius XII for evidence. They are also infiltrating Holy Mother Church, perverting its teaching for their own advantage. See Jews Infiltrate Catholic Church To Advance Israeli Agenda & Crypto Jews In The Catholic Church
Jews Infiltrate Catholic Church To Advance Israeli Agenda [ 2 August 2012 ]
The role of Jewish converts to Catholicism in changing traditional Catholic teachings on Jews
In a previous article, “Benzion Netanyahu: Jewish Activist and Intellectual Apologist,” I discussed the activities of New Christian intellectuals in 15th-century Spain in developing an interpretation of Christianity and Judaism in which Judaism was presented very positively:...............A new book by John Connelly, a professor of history at the University of California-Berkeley, shows a similar phenomenon in the 20th century: converted Jews were instrumental in creating the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate which changed the historic position of the Catholic Church toward the Jews (“Converts Who Changed the Church: Jewish-Born Clerics Helped Push Vatican II Reforms“). As with their New Christian predecessors, the technique was to find passages of Scripture that conformed to their ethnic interests in raising the status of Judaism yet remaining within the intellectual confines of Catholicism:
Nostra Aetate confirmed that Christ, his mother and the apostles were Jews, and that the church had its origin in the Old Testament. It denied that the Jews may be held collectively responsible for Jesus Christ’s death, and decried all forms of hatred, including anti-Semitism. Citing the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans, Nostra Aetate called the Jews “most beloved” by God. [ Rather a change from Christ Killers - Editor ] These words … staged a revolution in Catholic teaching.
From the Jewish point of view, a revolution was highly desirable. The article on Judaism in The Catholic Encyclopaedia from 1910 — during the papacy of Pius X (who is highly regarded by traditionalist Catholics)— is instructive. Jews in the time of Jesus are described as a “race” that rejected the call of Jesus for repentance, showing no sorrow for sin, unfit for salvation and rejecting the true kingdom of God in favour of earthly power:.......
As with the New Christian intellectuals of the 15th century, the converted Jews who influenced Vatican II managed to attain the intellectual high ground........
From an evolutionary perspective, the Jews who over the centuries have become priests and bishops while advancing Jewish interests are examples of altruism on behalf of their ethnic group. By becoming Catholic clergy they would typically forego marriage and family. But their behaviour as insiders in an institution that historically had been generally negative toward Judaism shows that they may nevertheless advance the interests of their ethnic group without personally reproducing.
It is a longish article but it is solidly provable. It tells us why things happen. Jews infiltrate politics, education, business, media, you name it. The agenda is the same every time; attacking civilization. That is why they are so keen on Third World immigration in Europe but NOT Israel.
Pope Pius XII was the Pope during the Nazi era and he has been accused of being indifferent at best to the fate of the Jews who came unstuck then. By the same token Ariel Sharon has not been accused of being indifferent to the fate of the Palestinians in the Zionist era. He was an enthusiastic mass murderer and terrorist like most if not all Jewish prime ministers in Israel. But that is not quite the point of this little essay.
Pius wrote and published Mit Brennender Sorge [ With Burning Care is my amateur translation ] in 1937, an encyclical which was unusual because it was published first in German rather than Latin and told us thereby who it was written for. He wrote about the Nazi's breach of the Concordat with the German Reich (1933) and in favour of peace in Germany.
If you ever wonder what the Jews did to help themselves and the rest of us during the war you could visit the cemetery at Oosterbeek near Arnhem. It is just one among hundreds in North West Europe. Then you can count the stars among the headstones with crosses on. Englishmen, Australians, Canadians and Americans are there. So are Poles and men of the Wehrmacht but there are not half a dozen Jews among a thousand graves. So the answer is - not a lot.
One of the reasons why the Jews [ read that as Zionists ] are doing a huge marketing effort to sell the Holocaust® story is that it deflects criticism of their genocidal policies in Israel. The money is another and we are looking at billions. More on that at World Jewish Congress Here are some sources pro and con. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
Holy Mother Church responds to the accusations and quotes the Israeli consul, Pinchas E. Lapide, in his book, THREE POPES AND THE JEWS an Israeli Diplomat's Disclosures About papal-Judaic Relations Since the Start of WW II (New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1967) at page 214 as saying that Pius and the Church saved 860,000 Jews from Nazi death camps. That would be enough to please most people but not in this case. Three million Catholics were murdered in the Holocaust but they don't whine about their problems or demand compensation. Bert Einstein, a left wing, atheist Jew has a favourable view too.
The 'Holocaust' and Vatican Archives
The Holy See has published relevant documents, 11 volumes of them as Actes et Documents du Saint Siege Relatifs a la Seconde Guerre Mondiale which tell anyone who cares to read them that the Pope did a great deal to help Jews. These volumes were extensively ignored.A committee of enquiry was set up with three Jews and three Catholics to investigate the facts. The Jews sent a list of 47 questions before they arrived and did not take the time to read the answers produced for them. They were unable to read Italian which is the language of most of the source documents. They had in any event made up their minds before getting anywhere near Rome. The whole thing was a political boondoggle. Thus saith Ronald J. Rychlak who was there on the day. Professor Rychlak is the Mississippi Defense Lawyers Association Professor of Law etc.
PS, they published their "interim report" while they were in Rome and before having had time to report.
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
The Jewish Virtual Library is against the Pope. Jews in America are often inciting trouble in Israel, the Stolen Land. The current Pope has had little enough to say about ethnic cleansing and mass murders in Israel but the JVL is not making that point.
Pope Pius XII ex Wikipedia
This is a biographical piece. Before trusting the Wikipedia's position on anything even slightly contentious you should have a look at Control of internet information to find out who owns it and who edits it.
Papal letter on baptized Jewish children called a 'red herring'
The Jerusalem Report takes an anti-papal line but tells us that two Jews who are involved thought the letter was an irrelevance. They push the story that Pius should have done more to help Jews. There is not a word about helping Gypsies, homosexuals or other undesirables.
Righteous Gentiles
A relentless band of propagandists has convinced much of the world that Pope Pius XII and the Catholic Church, in the face of the great moral crisis of the twentieth century, were little more than Nazi lapdogs. The myth of “Hitler’s pope,” however, is grounded not in the facts of history but in the ideological agenda of Pius’s detractors. Given unprecedented access to Church archives—including a confidential Vatican report on Pius XII—Ronald J. Rychlak documents the heroic response of the Holy Father and countless other Catholics to the plight of Jews under Nazi rule.
From the end of World War II until well after his death, Pius XII was universally respected for his leadership in the extraordinarily difficult years of the Third Reich. The first attack was Rolf Hochhuth’s 1963 play The Deputy, accusing the pope of indifference to Jewish suffering in the Holocaust. John Cornwell revived the charge in Hitler’s Pope (1999), and Gary Wills, James Carroll, and Daniel Goldhagen have made the revisionist attack on the wartime Church a popular genre.
Rychlak exposes the inconsistent charges, false allegations, and manufactured evidence against Pius XII and his predecessor, the German clergy, and the Catholic Church under Nazi occupation. His comprehensive and thoroughly documented account establishes once and for all that the Catholic Church under Pius XII, far from being indifferent to the Jews, was dedicated to saving them from the Nazis at all costs. The fruit of this concern was the rescue of over half a million Jews from the death camps. Rychlak lays to rest the “black legend” of the Church during World War II, showing that Pius XII and those he directed deserve the title “righteous gentiles.”
Professor Rychlak is lying in his teeth while Jews tell it like it is OR vice versa. There is no middle ground. Given the Jewish track record of cunning, lying, treachery fraud, slaving, political manipulation, mass murder et cetera the choice is easy. Read for yourself. Think for yourself. Decide for yourself.
Sacred Causes: Religion and Politics from the European Dictators to Al Qaeda: Pt. II by Michael Burleigh
and reviewed in The Telegraph on 15 October 2006 tells us at some length that Pope Pius was lied about. A third of his book explains that Holy Mother Church was very important in opposing Adolf throughout the time of the Third Reich.
Vatican bares criticism of Nazi-era Pope
Haaretz is helping defame Pope Pius. They do sometimes tell the truth about Jewish evil as well.
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
The Persecution of Jews in Hungary and the Catholic Church
Further sources on Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust from the Catholic League:-
Books, Articles and Research Papers (Additional resources may be found here)
Vatican snubs Israel for noting Pope Pius's dubious reaction to the Holocaust [ 13 April 2007 ]
Monsignor Antonio Franco, the Vatican ambassador to Israel, will not attend the Holocaust Day memorial services at Yad Vashem as an expression of the Vatican's dissatisfaction with a photograph of Pope Pius XII at the museum. The caption notes the Pope's dubious response to the Holocaust.
Things are tough all over. Telling lies about Pope Pius is a Jewish propaganda thing - see Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust. The World Jewish Congress took Germans and Swiss for $20 billion. Not much of it got to the survivors. See A third of Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty
New biography of Pope Pius XII rejects charges of anti-Semitism [ 29 May 2007]
Accusations that wartime Pope Pius XII was an anti-Semite who turned a blind eye to the Holocaust are part of a "black legend" not supported by historical documents, the author of a new biography says..... Some Jews have accused Pius, who reigned from 1939 to 1958, of being indifferent to the Holocaust and not speaking out against Hitler. His supporters consider him a holy man who worked behind the scenes to help Jews throughout Europe.
Tornielli's latest book, published by Mondadori, also includes excerpts from letters the future pope wrote to his family in the early 1930s when he was Vatican ambassador in Germany, expressing concern over the rise of Hitler.
Haaretz sounds more or less even handed on this one. The case against him is essentially fraudulent.
Pope Pius Did Help Jews Escape Nazis [ 17 June 2009 ]
ROME (JTA) -- A New York-based foundation says it will release original documents showing that controversial wartime Pope Pius XII worked to aid Jews during the Holocaust. In a statement Tuesday, Pave the Way Foundation President Gary Krupp said the 2,300 pages of documents, dating from 1940-45, were discovered through the foundation's private research and provide "strong support to the argument that Pope Pius XII -- Eugenio Pacelli -- worked diligently to save Jews from Nazi tyranny."........ Krupp, who is Jewish,..... announced last year that Pave the Way,...... would investigate the papacy of Pius XII by interviewing eyewitnesses and gathering publicly available documentation and newspaper accounts.The aim of the investigation is to disprove critics who accuse Pius of having turned a blind eye to Jewish suffering during the Holocaust. In his statement, Krupp criticized historians with "private agendas" for having "let down" the public by failing to research properly.
The Holocaust® Industry is a major racket. Using it to browbeat Catholics into accepting the Jew's version of truth is one of the reasons for telling lies about Pope Pius.
Smearing a Pope, by Joseph Sobran
Mr Sobran tells us that Pius XII is being lied about by Jews. Mr Sobran is published by Ron Unz, a Jew. I believe what he tells us.
Pope Pius XII Saved Jews From Adolf Then Got Libelled With Malice Aforethought [ 18 March 2012 ]
University of Mississippi Professor of Law Ronald J. Rychlak published a book ten years ago with the same title as that shown above. This new book, just published, is presented ten years later as a “revised and expanded” version of the earlier book, and while it definitely is that, this bare description greatly understates the degree to which this new book now covers virtually every aspect of the Pope Pius XII question, and thus has been transformed into what must now be considered the definitive book on the subject. If you have this book, you have everything you might ever need to defend the record and reputation of the World War II head of the Catholic Church.The earlier edition was already notable for the taking up and dealing with by means of well-documented facts and carefully thought-out arguments the unjustly criticized pontificate of Pope Pius XII and, in particular, in evaluating the pope’s reactions and behavior in the face of the holocaust against the Jews brought about by Hitler and the Nazis.
The Catholic League has an agenda but it also needs to use the truth otherwise its enemies would be delighted to tell us. On the Jews and Their Lies was written by Martin Luther. He was right then. He still is; they are master liars.Jews Infiltrate Catholic Church To Advance Israeli Agenda [ 2 August 2012 ]
The role of Jewish converts to Catholicism in changing traditional Catholic teachings on Jews
In a previous article, “Benzion Netanyahu: Jewish Activist and Intellectual Apologist,” I discussed the activities of New Christian intellectuals in 15th-century Spain in developing an interpretation of Christianity and Judaism in which Judaism was presented very positively:...............A new book by John Connelly, a professor of history at the University of California-Berkeley, shows a similar phenomenon in the 20th century: converted Jews were instrumental in creating the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate which changed the historic position of the Catholic Church toward the Jews (“Converts Who Changed the Church: Jewish-Born Clerics Helped Push Vatican II Reforms“). As with their New Christian predecessors, the technique was to find passages of Scripture that conformed to their ethnic interests in raising the status of Judaism yet remaining within the intellectual confines of Catholicism:
Nostra Aetate confirmed that Christ, his mother and the apostles were Jews, and that the church had its origin in the Old Testament. It denied that the Jews may be held collectively responsible for Jesus Christ’s death, and decried all forms of hatred, including anti-Semitism. Citing the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans, Nostra Aetate called the Jews “most beloved” by God. [ Rather a change from Christ Killers - Editor ] These words … staged a revolution in Catholic teaching.
From the Jewish point of view, a revolution was highly desirable. The article on Judaism in The Catholic Encyclopaedia from 1910 — during the papacy of Pius X (who is highly regarded by traditionalist Catholics)— is instructive. Jews in the time of Jesus are described as a “race” that rejected the call of Jesus for repentance, showing no sorrow for sin, unfit for salvation and rejecting the true kingdom of God in favour of earthly power:.......
As with the New Christian intellectuals of the 15th century, the converted Jews who influenced Vatican II managed to attain the intellectual high ground........
From an evolutionary perspective, the Jews who over the centuries have become priests and bishops while advancing Jewish interests are examples of altruism on behalf of their ethnic group. By becoming Catholic clergy they would typically forego marriage and family. But their behaviour as insiders in an institution that historically had been generally negative toward Judaism shows that they may nevertheless advance the interests of their ethnic group without personally reproducing.
It is a longish article but it is solidly provable. It tells us why things happen. Jews infiltrate politics, education, business, media, you name it. The agenda is the same every time; attacking civilization. That is why they are so keen on Third World immigration in Europe but NOT Israel.
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cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if
you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 15/12/2023 14:12
Jews Attack Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII was a friend of the Jews. At all events he helped them during the war. His payment was lies, malicious libels and hate. With friends like Jews, who needs enemies?
From http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2110219/replies?c=7 See Pius, Friend Of The Jews - http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/friend_to_the_jews_kTTHDaev8FBXEDgMGqd9ON which is posted below:-
Yad Vashem - or I should say today's Yad Vashem - is being used to dishonorably shade the truth about Pius.
The foremost Jewish Scholar of the Holocaust at its height in Hungary, Jeno Levai, insisted some years ago that it was a "particularly regrettable irony that the one person in all of occupied Europe who did more than anyone else to halt the dreadful crime and alleviate its consequences is today made the scapegoat for the failures of others."
The Israeli diplomat and scholar Pinchas Lapide concluded his careful review of Pius XII’s wartime activities with the following words: "The Catholic Church under the pontificate of Pius XII was instrumental in saving lives of as many as 860,000 Jews from certain death at Nazi hands."
He went on to add that "this figure far exceeds those saved by all other Churches and rescue organizations combined." After recounting statements of appreciation from a variety of preeminent Jewish spokespersons, he noted. "No Pope in history has been thanked more heartily by Jews . . . .Several suggested in open letters that a Pope Pius XII forest of 860,000 trees be planted on the hills of Judea in order to fittingly honor the memory of the late Pontiff "("Three Popes and the Jews" pp. 214–215).
Levai in his own book did not hesitate to argue that the attacks on the Pope’s wartime record were "demonstrably malicious and fabricated . . . . The archives of the Vatican of diocesan authorities of Ribbentrop’s foreign ministry, contain a whole series of protests—direct and indirect, diplomatic and public, secret and open. The nuncios and bishops of the Catholic Church intervened again and again on the instructions of the Pope," he wrote.
From Hungarian Jews and the Papacy: The former chief rabbi of Rome during the German occupation, Emilio Zolli, concluded his firsthand account of wartime events thus: "Volumes could be written on the multiform works of Pius XII, and the countless priests, religious and laity who stood with him throughout the world during the war.
"No hero," he said, "in all of history was more militant, more fought against, none more heroic, than Pius XII in pursuing the works of true charity . . . and thus on behalf of all the suffering children of God." Zolli was so moved by Pius XII’s work that he became a Catholic after the war and took the Pope’s name (Before the Dawn).
Lapide acknowledged in his book that the Church "in an endless flood of sermons, allocutions, pastoral letters and encyclicals was a clear and unrelenting foe to all forms of racism at the time, and everyone knew it—Jews, Poles, Russians and most ominously the Nazi secret police." Their files mention recalcitrant Catholic clergy in this regard more than any other group. No other institution produced more heroes during the Holocaust than the Church: Italian, Slovak, French, Hungarian priests, nuns, and laypersons who risked and often gave their lives for the sake of persecuted Jews.
The New York Times (!) in its Christmas editorials of 1941 and 1942 praised Pius XII for his moral leadership as a "lonely voice crying out of the silence of a continent" and for, among other things, assailing "the violent occupation of territory, and the exile and persecution of human beings, for no other reason than race."
Golda Meir, Israel’s representative to the United Nations, was the first of the delegates to react to the news of Pope Pius XII’s death. She sent an eloquent message: "We share in the grief of humanity at the passing away of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII. In a generation afflicted by wars and discords he upheld the highest ideals of peace and compassion. When fearful martyrdom came to our people in the decade of Nazi terror, the voice of the Pope was raised for its victims. The life of our times was enriched by a voice speaking out about great moral truths above the tumult of daily conflict. We mourn a great servant of peace."
Leonard Bernstein, on learning of Pope Pius XII’s death while conducting his orchestra in New York’s Carnegie Hall, tapped his baton for a moment of silence to pay tribute to the Pope who had saved the lives of so many people without distinction of race, nationality, or religion.
The great Jewish physicist, Albert Einstein, who himself barely escaped annihilation at Nazi hands, made the point well in 1944 when he said, "Being a lover of freedom, when the Nazi revolution came in Germany, I looked to the universities to defend it, but the universities were immediately silenced. Then I looked to the great editors of the newspapers, but they, like the universities were silenced in a few short weeks. Then I looked to individual writers . . . . they too were mute. Only the Church," Einstein concluded, "stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing the truth. . . . I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel great affection and admiration . . . . and am forced thus to confess that what I once despised, I now praise unreservedly."
So what is to become of Yad Vashem? Will the archive of the Holocaust be subverted to support these lies about Pius, just to further the leftist agenda of unworthy academics?
7 posted on 10/20/2008 8:48:50 AM PDT by agere_contra (Joe the Plumber has been vetted more thoroughly by the MSM than Obama has.)
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To: agere_contra
Thank you for that detailed posting. Like you, I do not understand the antipathy towards Pius XII. The most often excuse given is "his silence". That is why I posted the ZENIT article in which Benedict XVI addresses this:
"Pius XII often acted secretly and silently," added the Pontiff, "because, in the light of the concrete realities of that complex historical moment, he saw that this was the only way to avoid the worst and save the largest possible number of Jews."
This lends great credence to the expression - 'Actions speaker louder than words'.
9 posted on 10/20/2008 9:32:58 AM PDT by NYer ("Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ." - St. Jerome)
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To: agere_contra
Thank you for that post! I knew most of it, but I’m saving the whole thing to have it all in one place.
Friend to the Jews
Pius XII's real wartime record
Last Updated: 3:33 AM, December 28, 2009
Posted: 1:03 AM, December 28, 2009
A recent papal decree moved Pope Pius XII, among others, closer to sainthood -- returning to the forefront the controversy over his role in World War II and the Holocaust.
Growing up Jewish in Queens, I never dreamt I would be defending the man I once believed to be a Nazi sympathizer and an anti-Semite. But my work since 2002 with my wife, Meredith, and the Pave the Way Foundation has led me to this point.
We founded Pave the Way to identify and eliminate nontheological obstacles between religions. Thus, despite our early prejudices, we decided to investigate the papacy of Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli), one of today's greatest sources of hurt between Jews and Catholics.
Pius XII: Unfairly tarred as Nazi sympathizer and anti-Semite. After years of research in documentary evidence and eyewitness testimony, what we found shocked us. We found nothing but praise and positive news articles concerning Pius' actions from every Jewish, Israeli and political leader of the era who lived through the war.
A few articles in the postwar era suggested that he should have done more to confront the Nazis -- but it wasn't until 1963, in the wake of the fictitious play "The Deputy" (written five years after Pius died), that accusations began flowing that he had failed to act, that he was a cold-hearted Nazi sympathizer who couldn't care less about the Jewish people.
The evidence strongly suggests this was part of a KGB-directed and -financed bid to smear Pius, a Soviet disinformation campaign meant to discredit the Catholic Church, which at that time was profoundly anti-Communist.
In any case, the facts simply don't match what so many have come to believe about Pius.
It is unquestionable that Pius XII intervened to save countless Jews at a time most nations -- even FDR's America -- refused to accept these refugees. He issued false baptismal papers and obtained visas for them to emigrate as "Non Aryan Catholic-Jews." He smuggled Jews into the Americas and Asia. He ordered the lifting of cloister for men and women to enter monasteries, convents and churches to hide 7,000 Jews of Rome in a single day.
Among the 5,000 pages of documents that Pave the Way has located, there is abundant evidence that Pacelli was a lifelong friend of the Jews. Some highlights:
* In 1917, at the request of World Zionist Organization Director Nachum Sokolow, Nuncio Pacelli intervened with the Germans to protect the Jews of Palestine from extermination by the Ottoman Turks.
* In 1925, Pacelli arranged for Sokolow to meet with Pope Benedict XV to discuss a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
* In 1930, Pacelli supported the German bishops' orders excommunicating anyone who joined "the Hitler Party."
* In 1938, Pacelli intervened to defeat a Polish anti-koshering law.
* In 1939, A.W. Klieforth, the US consul general based in Cologne, Germany, wrote a confidential letter to Washington reporting on the "extremeness" of Pacelli's hatred of National Socialism and of Hitler.
* In 1947, at the United Nations, he encouraged the 17 Catholic countries out of the 33 in favor to vote for the partitioning of Palestine to create the State of Israel.
* A 1948 deposition by Gen. Karl Wolff, the SS commandant for Italy, revealed the Nazis' wartime plan to kidnap the pope, kill countless cardinals and seize the Vatican.
But the personal tales may be more compelling. Pacelli's childhood best friend was Guido Mendes, an Orthodox Jewish boy. He tells how Pacel- li shared Shabbat meals with him. Mendes taught him Hebrew, and Pacelli helped him to emigrate to Palestine in 1938.
Pius XII's detractors prefer to criticize rather than simply look at the evidence. Two years ago, Pope Benedict XVI ordered the opening of the Vatican's archives up to 1939, containing much evidence of Eugenio Pacelli's activities leading up to his papacy. According to the sign-in sheets, few of Pius' critics have bothered to come to the archives to view the material.
Pinchas Lapide, a Jewish historian, theologian and Israeli ambassador, stated that the actions and policies of Pius XII saved as many as 860,000 Jews.
Albert Einstein, Golda Meir, the chief rabbi of Palestine, the chief rabbi of Rome and the heads of every Jewish organization showered praise upon him during his lifetime.
Were all these witnesses who lived through the war misguided?
Gary L. Krupp is president of the Pave the Way Foundation, which has many of the documents noted here online at ptwf.org and which will soon publish a book with the main evidence in English, Hebrew, Spanish and French.
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